So here's some catch up posts that I had written on my phone over the summer but never managed to post them... back tracking a bit but thought you'd all enjoy.
"Its 'F-ing' Dockyard Man"
I'm using 'F-ing' instead of the real word for my conservative readers but you are going to have to read between the lines on this post. After all, when talking about a marina, marina and ship yard workers and boats its kinda hard not to swear like a sailor. So there's your warning; don't be offended its just the local lingo!
I love living in Dockyard. True our dream is to one day let go of the lines completely and sail the seas but for now Dockyard is the perfect little community. It really is a special place different from the rest of the island. You have a wide social, racial, and economical spectrum of people all living together in this place and co-existing better than fish in the sea!
I've touched briefly on my neighbours and different boat people around but the entire community of Dockyard really is the beez-knees!
This praise and appreciation for my people comes from last weekends antics. Firstly Mark and I never really get out socially much without the kiddies. Not because we don't want to but we love spending time with our children, we are forever busy and we only have a small selective group of family and friends we are comfortable leaving the babies with. We have never actually hired a babysitter before. Its tough; 1)We live ALL THE WAY in Dockyard 2)We live on a boat and 3)We have 2 kids- one of which requires full hands on attention as he is just a baby. This as well as our own reservations towards babysitters narrows down the pool to almost no one. About a year ago we started flirting with the idea of finding a hired babysitter just for some evening date nights. We had one great girl when we were living in the condo and who really helped out when we were loosing the baby, we also have a close family friend who we would be happy with but we feel super guilty about having them ride all the way to Dockyard and then have to ride home so we never really pursued it. Then we thought about another girl who conveniently lives right in Dockyard when she stays with her dad and is very familiar with boats as her dad is also the head of one of the Dockyard shipyards. She also was part of my Sandys 360 swim team so I can speak to her character, at least a little. It took us a while to slacken the reins but on Fri night we finally asked her to babysit on the boat. The kids were great, we had a wonderful time out at a friend's 30th birthday party and our new babysitter was thrilled to bits.
It was Saturday night that really awakened me to our great little community though. Doug at Westend yachts held himself his annual birthday party and everyone who is anyone in Dockyard was there. There was my little ferry crew; Thom, Jim, and their respective other halves. Biancia and Henry were there with little Eli (Jacobs baby boat buddy!), Doug and all Joanna's girls, Anna, all the Fantasea and tour boat people, Spirit crew, all the restaurant staff from around the area.... Really everyone! Its funny to think of these people outside Dockyard and I realised that's what makes them so special. If we all lived in town there is more space and choice so the high up exempt company folk would be dining at Harbour Front and drinking at Harry's (Suit and Tie venues)where as the boatyard trash (and I mean that in an endearing way as I am in that category) would be grabbing a bite at The Beach or Rosas (lower end restaurants). Because there are only a handful of restaurants and hangout spots we all hang together no matter the box that the outside world may put us in.
I look forward to my morning gossip sessions with the ferry crew, playdates with Jakeys latest neighbour, meeting Sunday in the laundry and chatting about the kids, waving to Audrey and Audrey's mum in the mornings on the way to the ferry, calling out to Sonny as he makes his way home for a break during the day, waving to everyone's boats as the leave and enter the camber, tickles from Aunt Gerri (for Marley and Jacob not me!), chilling with Mac and Captain and catching up about the Spirit, having waiters and waitresses know the names of our kids and understand when they act a little crazy if we eat at a restaurant, hanging with Ana and Mushu, yelling out to Dirty Uncle Smitty, being cat called every morning by Marine and Ports, attempting to impress Dawn by doing my evening run because she's a trainer at Sandys 360.... As we danced and carried on with the party our neighbours commented on us enjoying ourselves and telling us how wonderful our kids are. It was the epitome of family and community and a great way to start off the summer!
This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Boat Cleaning
Now that I am back at work the house chores have really been getting away from me. So much so that last week after a screaming fit Mark smashed the life out of two unwelcome guests who were not paying rent to stay on our boat (the dreaded cockroaches) EEEEkkkkkk! Things were obviously out of control!
We had started about a month ago out sourcing our laundry. It was just piling up and we realised that $7 a wash at the mini mart was a great deal but the added cost of time of actually finding quarters, washing it (I can't just drop it off and leave it for the day; not very neighbourly for the other marina tenants), and then folding it and putting it away was too expensive really. We couldn't get anything else done on weekends, and things were starting to deteriorate.
We researched local laundry mats and our solution was a small local business nearby my school. The routine is now that I can drop it off first thing in the morning and pick it up either than afternoon or the following morning. Its quite reasonable, had cut down on saving quarters, and the only time I spend is putting away the laundry at the end of the day. I still do the kids laundry in the mini mart (or at one of the grandparents homes on family visits) as I have special detergent and its a bit weird to drop off kids clothes I guess. Marley is also doing extremely well with sleeping through the night but we still have the occasional accidents that require immediate laundering.
Then last week Mark and the kids were home sick one day with the flu and Mark must have had a dose of my crazy pills as his O.C.D. kicked in and he "couldn't believe the amount of dirt that was on our boat". Hahahaha haven't I been saying that for weeks I thought? But sometimes you have to let them figure it out on their own. Instead of him resting as he should have been on his sick day he ended up using "roll-off" on all the plastic fans, and wiping down the picture frames and counter tops. We finally decided together this was over our heads. Living on a boat, working full time jobs, volunteering all that we do, and raising two kids was causing things to loose rank. We had toyed with the idea of hiring a cleaning service when I was pregnant, tired and having a hard time getting everything done but it never formulated. Plus who would come and clean a boat? Not everyone is familiar with products you can use to clean a marine toilet vs a household toilet so that's a problem first and foremost. We research a little and there was someone in the marina that could probably do it but then I was home for the year and had plenty of free time to get all the cleaning done (all the S.A.H.M. are laughing their asses off now). But I was able to stay on top of things for the most part until Sept.
Last week we made the decision to give it a go. Today was the first day I came home and things were tidy, put away, the dishes were done.... I didn't even want to use the head it was so sparkly clean :) :) While we have gone back and forth with the idea of "we potentially can do this ourselves and we are never going to be able to get on top off all of this" I couldn't be more than happy with our choice to have a cleaner come once a week to pick up our slack.
I think these are steps in the right direction to making sure our priorities are in check. The reality is that we can do all of these things however we are determined to make the most out of our boat living, raising our kids on boats experience and while we will still do our own laundry and clean up after ourselves the occasional helping hand does not hurt. In fact it allows us to do what we love most. Spend quality time with our children, on our boat <3
We had started about a month ago out sourcing our laundry. It was just piling up and we realised that $7 a wash at the mini mart was a great deal but the added cost of time of actually finding quarters, washing it (I can't just drop it off and leave it for the day; not very neighbourly for the other marina tenants), and then folding it and putting it away was too expensive really. We couldn't get anything else done on weekends, and things were starting to deteriorate.
We researched local laundry mats and our solution was a small local business nearby my school. The routine is now that I can drop it off first thing in the morning and pick it up either than afternoon or the following morning. Its quite reasonable, had cut down on saving quarters, and the only time I spend is putting away the laundry at the end of the day. I still do the kids laundry in the mini mart (or at one of the grandparents homes on family visits) as I have special detergent and its a bit weird to drop off kids clothes I guess. Marley is also doing extremely well with sleeping through the night but we still have the occasional accidents that require immediate laundering.
Then last week Mark and the kids were home sick one day with the flu and Mark must have had a dose of my crazy pills as his O.C.D. kicked in and he "couldn't believe the amount of dirt that was on our boat". Hahahaha haven't I been saying that for weeks I thought? But sometimes you have to let them figure it out on their own. Instead of him resting as he should have been on his sick day he ended up using "roll-off" on all the plastic fans, and wiping down the picture frames and counter tops. We finally decided together this was over our heads. Living on a boat, working full time jobs, volunteering all that we do, and raising two kids was causing things to loose rank. We had toyed with the idea of hiring a cleaning service when I was pregnant, tired and having a hard time getting everything done but it never formulated. Plus who would come and clean a boat? Not everyone is familiar with products you can use to clean a marine toilet vs a household toilet so that's a problem first and foremost. We research a little and there was someone in the marina that could probably do it but then I was home for the year and had plenty of free time to get all the cleaning done (all the S.A.H.M. are laughing their asses off now). But I was able to stay on top of things for the most part until Sept.
Last week we made the decision to give it a go. Today was the first day I came home and things were tidy, put away, the dishes were done.... I didn't even want to use the head it was so sparkly clean :) :) While we have gone back and forth with the idea of "we potentially can do this ourselves and we are never going to be able to get on top off all of this" I couldn't be more than happy with our choice to have a cleaner come once a week to pick up our slack.
I think these are steps in the right direction to making sure our priorities are in check. The reality is that we can do all of these things however we are determined to make the most out of our boat living, raising our kids on boats experience and while we will still do our own laundry and clean up after ourselves the occasional helping hand does not hurt. In fact it allows us to do what we love most. Spend quality time with our children, on our boat <3
live aboard,
marine toilet,
mini mart,
Well it happened! I turned 30 this year! In fact, on Tuesday Nov. 13th :) Unlike many of my peers I have been embracing the idea with a very positive attitude... a little too positive for some. I started early planning a big trip to some enchanted resort with as many people born in the year 1982 as would like to go... but snobbishness, pettiness, and immaturity got in the way as even though some were turning 30 earlier they couldn't get past silly high school stereotypes from 15 years prior. I decided to move past it and make my own life a little simpler. Over all though I was pumped all year. I feel like I have achieved a lot in 30 years and was really excited to celebrate all of that. I also figured its gonna happen anyway, better to embrace it than fight it! I watched as the year moved on and friends did themed parties, fancy dinners, spa days, and the like. It was fun, but i knew I wanted something uniquely me.
Tomorrow night I am hosting an Old Skool Reggae Cruise on a charter booze cruise boat. I am SO pumped. 80 or so of the best people I know have agreed to rock the night away with me and celebrate the big 30!!
I also came up with a list; many of my friends did a sort of "bucket list" of before they turned 30, 30 things to do 30 days before you turn 30 etc. Mine is again a different kind of list. I have this sensation this is going to be one of the best years of my life, so I came up with a list of things to do the year i'm 30. Here it is;
1. Live off the dock for more than a week
2. Get my Bermuda Engine Drivers Licence
3. Run a few running races
4. Reach my ideal weight/ size
5. Snorkel at North Rock
6. Take that trip to Venezuela
7. Eat a new food i've never tried
8. Go on Spirit at least twice with my school kids
9. Run every night I can with my family, maybe even every other morning
10. Get married
11. Continue with my tattoo
Tomorrow night I am hosting an Old Skool Reggae Cruise on a charter booze cruise boat. I am SO pumped. 80 or so of the best people I know have agreed to rock the night away with me and celebrate the big 30!!
I also came up with a list; many of my friends did a sort of "bucket list" of before they turned 30, 30 things to do 30 days before you turn 30 etc. Mine is again a different kind of list. I have this sensation this is going to be one of the best years of my life, so I came up with a list of things to do the year i'm 30. Here it is;
1. Live off the dock for more than a week
2. Get my Bermuda Engine Drivers Licence
3. Run a few running races
4. Reach my ideal weight/ size
5. Snorkel at North Rock
6. Take that trip to Venezuela
7. Eat a new food i've never tried
8. Go on Spirit at least twice with my school kids
9. Run every night I can with my family, maybe even every other morning
10. Get married
11. Continue with my tattoo
Monday, 5 November 2012
I'm Baaaccckkkk!!!!
I know its been forever and I hope you all haven't given up on me.
After May the summer really settled in, life in Dockyard was bustling and I lost time to post. We had an exciting last 5 months or so. We celebrated Jacob's first birthday. None other than a pirate theme with many of his closest adult friends out on Somerset Long Bay.
We also got a lot of sailing time in, especially over the cupmatch holiday (2 day cricket match celebrating emancipation in Bermuda)
I am also back to work. This is a new challenge but I have to say it is good to be back. Marley has settled into her pre-school year at nursery and Jacob is enjoying his one on one time with Nanna and Grammy and Papa. He also finally figured out walking for the first time last Friday. I was lucky enough to have caught him as I picked him up from Nannas house that afternoon. It just finally clicked for him and now there is no stopping him!
I will be posting again soon, as i'm hoping you missed me and we have a lot more to share. Heres a recap in pics... enjoy
After May the summer really settled in, life in Dockyard was bustling and I lost time to post. We had an exciting last 5 months or so. We celebrated Jacob's first birthday. None other than a pirate theme with many of his closest adult friends out on Somerset Long Bay.
Jacon Turns 1 |
We also got a lot of sailing time in, especially over the cupmatch holiday (2 day cricket match celebrating emancipation in Bermuda)
We started off at 9 beaches but our batteries died quickly so came back into the Marina for a night and recharged. We then went back and anchored off in Mangrove Bay, back round to 9 beaches for 2 more nights then headed back to Mangrove Bay for the Annual Non-Mariners race on the Sunday. It was a full 5 days off the dock and the kids handled it really well. By Sunday Marley was pretty worn out and spent a good 3 hours in her room 'reading' to herself. It was an interesting time which allowed us some insight to how they would make out if we finally did let go for a while.
Family Vacation, Kings Dominion Virginia USA |
We also manged to get off the rock for a week. We went and visited my parents in Virginia. They have a log cabin in the middle of the woods outside Richmond. It is a peaceful place and another venue in which the kids could be at one with nature. Marley enjoyed herself thoroughly, riding the horses, spotting deer and squirrels and enjoying all the adventure that the great USA has to offer.
The summer ended quickly with the slow disappearance of the cruise ships and the arrival of 2 near miss hurricanes. So far we have been lucky, especially given the disruct Sandy has done recently. I am also back to work. This is a new challenge but I have to say it is good to be back. Marley has settled into her pre-school year at nursery and Jacob is enjoying his one on one time with Nanna and Grammy and Papa. He also finally figured out walking for the first time last Friday. I was lucky enough to have caught him as I picked him up from Nannas house that afternoon. It just finally clicked for him and now there is no stopping him!
I will be posting again soon, as i'm hoping you missed me and we have a lot more to share. Heres a recap in pics... enjoy
Tide Pool swimming at Spittal Pond |
"Jake and the Dockyard Pirates" Summer 2012 theme song |
learning to paddle board |
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Our cupmatch hoist in memory of Adam |
Marley making the most of her summer |
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I entered my first running race in June (will probably be my last lol) |
Marley sails her first Opti with buddy Rachel, Cupmatch 2012 |
My best friends wedding in Oct. Marley was the flower girl and me a bridesmaid. A beautiful day and end to the summer |
log cabin,
Mangrove Bay,
Non Mariners,
Somerset Long Bay,
Monday, 4 June 2012
Adam is 24
On May 29th Adam would have turned 24. It is impossible not to recognise this even though he is no longer with us. But what do you do? Keeping having ceremonies and reliving the fact that he is not here over and over? Try to hide from the day let it pass and maybe forget? Neither can be done. We found a mix this year but as the years add on it scares me to think that eventually I will be alive for more years that he has been gone than his own age when he dies.
The compass laid in front of the bench that reads "Live for yourself you live in vain; live for others you live again" and Adams friends behind the bench at Coopers Island.
It was a nice afternoon and my favourite part was after the dedication of it taking the kids down to the beach for a swim. Marley is such a fish already and Jacob throws his face into the water every chance he gets!
On Adam's actually birthday the Tuesday we decided to take the boat out with the kids and spend some spontaneous family time together. We picked up nana in flats and then made it under the bridge into Castle Harbour. We went for a swim and Mark and Marley had some really great quality adventure time out on Castle Island together. We picked up Pa and Abbie and went back to the beach and let the kids play around in the sand and water for a while. Jacob just had a ball!
After dropping Abbie and Pa back we headed out to Adams spot where Nana, Mark and Marley all hopped in for a swim. There my girl was 2 miles off shore, 100 fathoms deep swimming around with her boat and rubber ducky. She is my heart and soul, and Adam lives through that every day. Bless.
We came back through St. Georges Harbour and saw the Old Town dotted with transit yachts. This is our dream, and its easy to loose sight. To travel even at least for a summer through the islands with the kids, doing crossings. In St. Georges there were at least 5 of the yachts with children on board. One 40 footer even had 3! UUhhhggg why aren't we cruising yet? I know the answer to this and soon enough we will be and for now we are still living the dream more than most so I know I must be patience. Not one of my strengths but I will be because when we go it will be amazing!
In St. Georges I also bumped into one of my first students ever as a teacher. An incredible young man who overcame many many challenges. He was doing great and had a positive outlook on his future and the world. He again inspired me to get back to school, as hard as it is to give up this part of the dream for now. I know a difference can be made and I want to be a part of it. He reminded me of this. And so on it goes....
On the Sunday May 27th Mark's dad made a compass to be laid in front of the bench we dedicated to Adam out at Coopers Island in October. We gathered as a small group of his friends and family and Malcolm Kirkland said some very moving words about both him and Vershons loss to this world. True words as that is what haunts me more about Adam than anything. Not our own pain and suffering as a family for the loss of him but the fact that there will be no one else able to access his amazing leadership, humbleness, and knowledge. The fact that he is not here to guide Marley and Jacob hurts more than any wound, but that he will also never guide another student on the Spirit just aches. However I did share with Malcolm (who I believe also feels that same hurt) my experience sailing on the Spirit for the first time after Adam with the Clearwater boys. Having them tie that one handed bowline made me believe in his power even in death. I sure as hell didn't teach it to them; someone was there guiding them without a doubt.
It was a nice afternoon and my favourite part was after the dedication of it taking the kids down to the beach for a swim. Marley is such a fish already and Jacob throws his face into the water every chance he gets!
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Heading out for the day |
After dropping Abbie and Pa back we headed out to Adams spot where Nana, Mark and Marley all hopped in for a swim. There my girl was 2 miles off shore, 100 fathoms deep swimming around with her boat and rubber ducky. She is my heart and soul, and Adam lives through that every day. Bless.
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2 miles out, 100 fathoms deep May 29th, 2012 |
In St. Georges I also bumped into one of my first students ever as a teacher. An incredible young man who overcame many many challenges. He was doing great and had a positive outlook on his future and the world. He again inspired me to get back to school, as hard as it is to give up this part of the dream for now. I know a difference can be made and I want to be a part of it. He reminded me of this. And so on it goes....
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Coming into St. Georges Harbour |
Bermudiful Day Celebrating with Friends and Starting Traditions
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Jacob's first official swim of the year |
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My little fish forgot nothing from last summer! |
We started our day by taking the kids on the boat to Somerset Bridge to see the early part of the Bermuda Day marathon. Last year we took Marley to the bottom of Fort Scaur to cheer on Auntie Lizzie (she wasn't running this year due to injury), when Liz ran by Marley got so excited cheering but then started to cry. Come to figure out she was crying because Auntie Lizzie had 'run away' and she wanted her to come back! Even though Liz wasn't running, Auntie Nadia was for the first time. And with a year of maturity under her head band Marley was yet again ready to cheer, this time with jingle bells for Jacob and her recorder. We then decided to follow the runners by boat to Jews Bay and then Darrells Wharf. A little putter round Hamilton Harbour while flirting with the idea of going to see the floats and then spotting our potential new neighbours (the family with the little boy Jacobs age) and their hopeful new boat. We arrived back to Dockyard with Marley down already for a nap. I made some lunch then put Jacob down for his nap while Mark went and did some work on the Spirit. Later than day we celebrated Kelly's (another friend of Jacob's mommy- also who I went to school with) 30th birthday and Marley took her first dip in the water in true Bermuda style. Even though her lips were blue and she was shivering my girl did not want to get out; I can see where this is heading! All in all the beginnings of some real traditions and fond memories with my bermudiful family.
Marlena's Insight to the World
This little girl is so amazingly wise beyond her years and probably even mine. She drops my jaw almost weekly with her little insight to the world she lives in. Just the other day we were leaving my mums house and she commented on the value of living things. My mum has a slug problem at her house and they eat all her beautiful plants but rather than use pesticides she found an 'organic' killer for the pests; salt. It apparently burns them to death. Marley spotted these left over remains in the form of a pile of salt and dead slug and gasped with horror as we walked down the step. "Mummy" she said, "Someone has killed those things. That is very bad. You shouldn't kill anything; every living thing is important and special." She's so matter of fact it kills me. I totally agreed and praised her for her concern and then she added, "except cockroaches, you can kill them". Ahhh Marley PERFECT exception!!
Another wise comment from my extraordinary 3 1/2 year old was tonight when her and Mark went for a walk while I settled Jacob for bed. They went to visit the Spirit and Uncle Adams plaque. Mark said he missed Adam and Marley said she did too. She then added that she was so glad he was up in the sky and could watch them though. Mark asked her how she knew Uncle Adam was in the sky. She said she just did. He rephrased his question to "who told you Uncle Adam is up in the sky?" She replied with... Get your tissues ready, "I just know daddy, I can feel it in my heart". No need for anything else, good night.
Another wise comment from my extraordinary 3 1/2 year old was tonight when her and Mark went for a walk while I settled Jacob for bed. They went to visit the Spirit and Uncle Adams plaque. Mark said he missed Adam and Marley said she did too. She then added that she was so glad he was up in the sky and could watch them though. Mark asked her how she knew Uncle Adam was in the sky. She said she just did. He rephrased his question to "who told you Uncle Adam is up in the sky?" She replied with... Get your tissues ready, "I just know daddy, I can feel it in my heart". No need for anything else, good night.
A weekend without Dad
Annually around Adams birthday the Spirit and Julie organise a 'mothers trip' around that time. Last year was the first year and most of the mums that went on the over night voyage were mums of Adams friends. This year the invitation went out again and a group of mixed (some different and some the same) mums headed out for the over night voyage. Mark goes as the engineer and also to support his mum. The do a little sail training and bring a pot luck of food and go out to Adams spot. We missed Mark but I had a fun weekend planned catching up with different friends and hanging with my babies. It was also an old school party in Dockyard Sat night which was sure to be alive until at least 2am! I figure if you can't beat em join em. Unfortunately the weather wasn't great so we ended up going to a friends house but their was plenty of entertainment for both kids and by 10pm they were knocked out and unaware of the booming party that ended up going on until 4am just outside our boat.
Jacob has also mastered the skill of crawling and pulling himself up on something. On Sat. night while we were getting ready to go out I looked away and next thing I know Jacob had moved himself over to the companion way and pulled himself up onto the steps. As you can see. He is on the move; and fast!
Jacob has also mastered the skill of crawling and pulling himself up on something. On Sat. night while we were getting ready to go out I looked away and next thing I know Jacob had moved himself over to the companion way and pulled himself up onto the steps. As you can see. He is on the move; and fast!
Im back
It seems to go in patterns. I get on a roll writing and working out and then something happens and I'm AWAL for a few weeks. I'm sorry. I will continue to work on being more consistent. A lot had happened in the last couple of weeks and I am excited to share. I have been keeping up on my phone, just need to figure out how to blog from there and I might be better.
Words of Wisdom for my daughter 1
I put 1 because I have a feeling there will be more of these...
On our morning walk to school we have time to talk out certain situations; sometimes its strategically planned by me and other times they are just by happenstance. This morning we debriefed an intense meltdown from yesterday. It wasn't over anything in particular probably over tiredness but still; kicking screaming and crying will not be tolerated. I had the same conversation with her the night before but today we gave the topic of temper tantrums a little more perspective. I'm not naive I know there will be more but hopefully there will be less if we keep talking about this.
Our walks also give me insight to many things that may face her in her precious life; bullies, finding a balance between work and play, boys! Oh heaven no!!
It was after I dropped her off at school and was making my way to the arboretum that I observed an incident that I immediately wanted to talk to my daughter about. There are quite a number of home schools in the neighbourhood that Marleys nursery school is in and therefore a lot of kids walking to school. Two girls, presumably sisters were making their way along when a kid on a bike pulled up next to them and asks the older sister if she wants a lift. She at first declined and said- we're almost there- but then took a second thought and hopped on the back of his bike. Now there was no immediate danger and she was fine but I wanted to scream at her "No! Go with you gut" and tell her, "your leaving your sister to walk on her own, and you have no helmet. If that boy really cared about you he wouldn't have offered to put you on the back of his bike without a helmet." Ok a little dramatic and over the top I know- I did keep my mouth shut. But the main thing I wanted her to do was stick to her gut. How do we teach that? I'm not going to be there for those situations when its her turn... What do I do? Well here it is Marley; always go with your gut, chances are your right the first time. Never let anything, especially not a boy sway that instinct. You are strong, smart, and beautiful. GO WITH YOUR GUT!!
I put 1 because I have a feeling there will be more of these...
On our morning walk to school we have time to talk out certain situations; sometimes its strategically planned by me and other times they are just by happenstance. This morning we debriefed an intense meltdown from yesterday. It wasn't over anything in particular probably over tiredness but still; kicking screaming and crying will not be tolerated. I had the same conversation with her the night before but today we gave the topic of temper tantrums a little more perspective. I'm not naive I know there will be more but hopefully there will be less if we keep talking about this.
Our walks also give me insight to many things that may face her in her precious life; bullies, finding a balance between work and play, boys! Oh heaven no!!
It was after I dropped her off at school and was making my way to the arboretum that I observed an incident that I immediately wanted to talk to my daughter about. There are quite a number of home schools in the neighbourhood that Marleys nursery school is in and therefore a lot of kids walking to school. Two girls, presumably sisters were making their way along when a kid on a bike pulled up next to them and asks the older sister if she wants a lift. She at first declined and said- we're almost there- but then took a second thought and hopped on the back of his bike. Now there was no immediate danger and she was fine but I wanted to scream at her "No! Go with you gut" and tell her, "your leaving your sister to walk on her own, and you have no helmet. If that boy really cared about you he wouldn't have offered to put you on the back of his bike without a helmet." Ok a little dramatic and over the top I know- I did keep my mouth shut. But the main thing I wanted her to do was stick to her gut. How do we teach that? I'm not going to be there for those situations when its her turn... What do I do? Well here it is Marley; always go with your gut, chances are your right the first time. Never let anything, especially not a boy sway that instinct. You are strong, smart, and beautiful. GO WITH YOUR GUT!!
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Everybody needs good neighbours!
Although our plan is to one day get off the dock for now we are tied up. That doesn't mean we can't make the most of it though. We have some really great times and great people all around us in Dockyard. Yesterday I reflected on this as we played before dinner.
We got home and Jacob was still asleep in the pumpkin seat in the car so Marley and I decided that a picnic snack on the grass while mummy washed the car was in order. (OK Mummy may have decided!)
We parked on the lawn in front of our gate and laid out our blanket (which I always keep in the back of the car) I ran Marley and Jacob down to the boat (she insisted on staying on the dock with him) while I quickly got together grapes, crackers and cheese. We set up camp next to the car and I washed as Jacob slept and Marley snacked. This was much to the amusement of the tourists walking by who asked for directions back to the ferry, and to the cruise ship workers who have taken up fishing at our gate.
As in all good car washing you must first rinse... 1 bucket of water, then wash.... 2 buckets.... and then rinse again....3 buckets! That's all fine if your hose reaches your car, or the tap is next to your car but I had to keep running back down to the dock to fill my bucket. I also had to carry Jacob in the car seat and get Marley to follow along all three times. (I couldn't exactly leave them there having a picnic even though I was only feet away!) Marley has her stubborn trait which meant I had to keep waiting for her to finish "just one more grape", or "last three crackers"! We got the car cleaned and Jacob woke up just at the end.
We packed up and headed back to the boat where Marley saw her toy box still on the dock from the last time we went out and attempted to wash the boat. She insisted on playing and since we still had an hour before dinner I allowed. We pulled everything out and enjoyed our time playing on the dock.
Our neighbours probably have no need to read this blog as they are an intricate part of this. As we picnicked on the grass Henry- Jacobs new boat buddy arrived home from the ferry. Tom, Marley's biggest fan also arrived back from the ferry and stopped by to play a little and our closest neighbour gave me great inspiration to not only wash my car but our boat as well. He has begun wiping everything down and putting up his old canvas and bimini from last year. Marley also made a point of letting our newest neighbours know that leaving trash behind is not acceptable either. She gasped as we went up the ramp on one of our bucket trips as there was trash in the water and exclaimed for all to hear "the trash in the water is VERY BAD, it will kill all the fish especially plastics bags for turtles, this is VERY BAD mummy!". I guess the summer season has begun; cheers to longer days and more outside activities!
Although our plan is to one day get off the dock for now we are tied up. That doesn't mean we can't make the most of it though. We have some really great times and great people all around us in Dockyard. Yesterday I reflected on this as we played before dinner.
We got home and Jacob was still asleep in the pumpkin seat in the car so Marley and I decided that a picnic snack on the grass while mummy washed the car was in order. (OK Mummy may have decided!)
We parked on the lawn in front of our gate and laid out our blanket (which I always keep in the back of the car) I ran Marley and Jacob down to the boat (she insisted on staying on the dock with him) while I quickly got together grapes, crackers and cheese. We set up camp next to the car and I washed as Jacob slept and Marley snacked. This was much to the amusement of the tourists walking by who asked for directions back to the ferry, and to the cruise ship workers who have taken up fishing at our gate.
As in all good car washing you must first rinse... 1 bucket of water, then wash.... 2 buckets.... and then rinse again....3 buckets! That's all fine if your hose reaches your car, or the tap is next to your car but I had to keep running back down to the dock to fill my bucket. I also had to carry Jacob in the car seat and get Marley to follow along all three times. (I couldn't exactly leave them there having a picnic even though I was only feet away!) Marley has her stubborn trait which meant I had to keep waiting for her to finish "just one more grape", or "last three crackers"! We got the car cleaned and Jacob woke up just at the end.
We packed up and headed back to the boat where Marley saw her toy box still on the dock from the last time we went out and attempted to wash the boat. She insisted on playing and since we still had an hour before dinner I allowed. We pulled everything out and enjoyed our time playing on the dock.
Our neighbours probably have no need to read this blog as they are an intricate part of this. As we picnicked on the grass Henry- Jacobs new boat buddy arrived home from the ferry. Tom, Marley's biggest fan also arrived back from the ferry and stopped by to play a little and our closest neighbour gave me great inspiration to not only wash my car but our boat as well. He has begun wiping everything down and putting up his old canvas and bimini from last year. Marley also made a point of letting our newest neighbours know that leaving trash behind is not acceptable either. She gasped as we went up the ramp on one of our bucket trips as there was trash in the water and exclaimed for all to hear "the trash in the water is VERY BAD, it will kill all the fish especially plastics bags for turtles, this is VERY BAD mummy!". I guess the summer season has begun; cheers to longer days and more outside activities!
cruise ship,
Friday, 11 May 2012
Everything is Relative
When you're having a bad day, everything is relative;
If your kids have kept you up all night and the dishes aren't done and the laundry is piling up then someone not putting their beer bottle in the recycling bin at the end of the day might be enough to send you to bed without saying goodnight.
If you've had to wait for a ferry that was delayed and then canceled all together, seeing an entire year group of 7 year old school kids and half a boat load of tourists waiting to get on the next ferry might not bring a smile to your face.
If your fiancée has put you through the ringer for the last 10 years when all you've wanted to do was get married and then a friend picks the same dress as you, you may see it as grounds to never talk to them again.
But everything is relative on a good day too;
I always think of this when I'm at school and someone says in their prayer in assembly; "thank you lord for waking me up this morning as I know there are some that did not get to see the light of this brand new day" I'm not religious by any means, no prayer, no God, etc. but that idea is so that is so true!
And today as I drove home while witnessing something that almost caused me to have an accident I had a revelation.
Today minus all the drama of the last two months, the heart ache of the last two years and all the mindless mello dramas I post here on this blog, I respect that everything is relative to where you are in your life at that point in time. What may seem like a mountain to me may seem like a mole hill to you; agreed. But how do you ever get to the point where shooting someone else up with Heroin in the middle of the day, out in broad daylight is acceptable?! I observed a former student of mine doing this as I waited in traffic. It put for me back into perspective what I have always felt my purpose was here on this earth in this life. I love to teach, I am passionate about it because down to my core I believe the children really are our future and if we teach them well the world will be a better place. I also know that 'you can not save them all'. For the one I lost today there may be 3 more I help save tomorrow. I can not give up on that. I am excited to go back to teaching in September, until now I have been nothing but anxious. How will I leave my baby? How will I juggle it all? Will the laundry ever get done then?! It will, I will, Jacob will be fine because I am capable enough to manage it. I must find a way because my kids future also depends on it!
If your kids have kept you up all night and the dishes aren't done and the laundry is piling up then someone not putting their beer bottle in the recycling bin at the end of the day might be enough to send you to bed without saying goodnight.
If you've had to wait for a ferry that was delayed and then canceled all together, seeing an entire year group of 7 year old school kids and half a boat load of tourists waiting to get on the next ferry might not bring a smile to your face.
If your fiancée has put you through the ringer for the last 10 years when all you've wanted to do was get married and then a friend picks the same dress as you, you may see it as grounds to never talk to them again.
But everything is relative on a good day too;
I always think of this when I'm at school and someone says in their prayer in assembly; "thank you lord for waking me up this morning as I know there are some that did not get to see the light of this brand new day" I'm not religious by any means, no prayer, no God, etc. but that idea is so that is so true!
And today as I drove home while witnessing something that almost caused me to have an accident I had a revelation.
Today minus all the drama of the last two months, the heart ache of the last two years and all the mindless mello dramas I post here on this blog, I respect that everything is relative to where you are in your life at that point in time. What may seem like a mountain to me may seem like a mole hill to you; agreed. But how do you ever get to the point where shooting someone else up with Heroin in the middle of the day, out in broad daylight is acceptable?! I observed a former student of mine doing this as I waited in traffic. It put for me back into perspective what I have always felt my purpose was here on this earth in this life. I love to teach, I am passionate about it because down to my core I believe the children really are our future and if we teach them well the world will be a better place. I also know that 'you can not save them all'. For the one I lost today there may be 3 more I help save tomorrow. I can not give up on that. I am excited to go back to teaching in September, until now I have been nothing but anxious. How will I leave my baby? How will I juggle it all? Will the laundry ever get done then?! It will, I will, Jacob will be fine because I am capable enough to manage it. I must find a way because my kids future also depends on it!

This is from May 7th and May 8th 2012!
Jacob is determined to walk and has been for quite sometime. Today though he pulled himself up to a standing position on our cube stools and then turned around took my hands and took his first assisted step! Now, a day later he is trying to climb out of the boat!
Jacob is determined to walk and has been for quite sometime. Today though he pulled himself up to a standing position on our cube stools and then turned around took my hands and took his first assisted step! Now, a day later he is trying to climb out of the boat!
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Jacob pulls himself to standing and takes his FIRST assisted step! |
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Jacob now thinks he's ready to conquer the world! |
Sleep Walking and Talking
So Marleys teacher stopped me the other day after I dropped her off to ask me if she ever sleep walked. She never has on the boat thank god! Can you imagine?! How would she even get out of her bed?!! But aparently she got up out of her bed at school and started walking around, the teachers just gently guided her back to her bed but now I'm seriously concerned- this isn't something I have ever considered, but for now its just a one off thing. My girl does however talk in her sleep. Its so cute you can just hear her in there jabbering away. I love her age right now as she can talk about her dreams.
I am passionate that dreams are our deeper connection to the outside world that so many of us have sheltered ourselves away from, that deeper place, maybe spirits or ghosts, or just something more than what meets the eye. So the other night she dreamed that dinosaurs came into her room and were roaring so loud they woke her up and that's why she ended up in our bed in the middle of the night. (She told me this account the next morning). Last night she also had a dream about crocodiles; that they came into 'mummy and daddys room' and ate our eye balls but not Jacobs, he still had his. She wasn't though at all freaked out about the whole eye ball attack, she was very matter of fact- like yah that's what happened. I end with thinking; at what point do we taint our children to fear such a dream, where does that come from?
I am passionate that dreams are our deeper connection to the outside world that so many of us have sheltered ourselves away from, that deeper place, maybe spirits or ghosts, or just something more than what meets the eye. So the other night she dreamed that dinosaurs came into her room and were roaring so loud they woke her up and that's why she ended up in our bed in the middle of the night. (She told me this account the next morning). Last night she also had a dream about crocodiles; that they came into 'mummy and daddys room' and ate our eye balls but not Jacobs, he still had his. She wasn't though at all freaked out about the whole eye ball attack, she was very matter of fact- like yah that's what happened. I end with thinking; at what point do we taint our children to fear such a dream, where does that come from?
Round the Sound
This post is now two weeks old but I have them all saved on my phone... eventually I might figure out how to post from my blackberry!
In order to de stress a little last Tuesday I decided to do a walk around the sound. (Harrington Sound that is for my International Readers- I think there are one or two of you. Harrington Sound is approximately 7 miles) I've walked it before so I was prepared for the challenge and really felt I needed it to get myself out of this rut. A few things went very wrong that day. First of all my sneakers are starting to look like Marks shoes and are the same walking/ running shoe I've been using for the last 2 years, secondly I ended up going in the middle of the day in the blazing heat, thirdly I had no i-pod (I really need someone more itunes savvy than me to hook me up with a wicked workout mix; I'm still listening to Collie Budz!), forth I have never done round the sound pushing a 20lb baby in a carriage (much less in the heat of the day), I didn't take enough water, and I left from nanas house which meant two giant hills at the end of the walk! YIKES!! I started off with a good walk/ run pace with a few sprints here and there as I tried to clear my head. I just couldn't turn it off until I got about halfway round and then it was like a switch went off and I stopped thinking about all the drama. By then I was totally regretting the no ipod move. At Shelly Bay Jacob woke up and I was well past exhausted. All I could think of was the two hills at the end of the route I would need to conquer! That just wasn't happening, I think emotionally things have taken their toll lately, plus lack of sleep, plus a 7 mile walk! I was just done, over it and wanted to go pick up Marley and go home. Sheepishly I called Nana who was at a friends house visiting a new baby but not before I snapped this great picture of Jacob at the Aquarium dock. Love these days with him.

Saturday, 5 May 2012
Middle to End with a great Ending!
Today I walked the middle to end for the unknown amount of times. My dad and I usually do it every year, he was an End to End walker but recently has been doing the middle to end. For my foreign readers, this is an annual fund raiser in Bermuda where people are sponsored to walk from one end of the island to the other (aprox 20 miles) or from half of the island to the other, or make it to the end in a variety of different ways including swimming, biking, at one point skateboarding or horseback riding... check out for more details. Somewhere on there you can also pledge me, I'm under the Sandys Secondary Middle School team.
Anyway, after a fairly early hen night in town I arrived home to Jacob ready for some love and attention. His teeth are still bad, and all he really wants at this point is to be up and have a bottle. So with about 4 hours of sleep Mark, Marley and Jacob dropped me off at the ferry to town where I was meeting my dad for the start of the race. He is very competitive and does not like to start with all the 'novice walkers' as you then spend half the walk over taking them so we had agreed to meet outside HSBC to get ahead of the mob. Unforuntatly miscommunication meant I was at the wrong HSBC and we started just before the mob. Even still it seemed a lot of people had left early this year anyway ad we were overtaking people most of the way. Including at first my cousins who cheered us on and mocked my dads competitive nature. He is just over 6ft and me just over 5ft has to do double the work to keep up with him but I was feeling good at the start. However this did not last long, my dear mum who is a sucker for a gimmick bought us all 'gravity defying sneakers'. I had practised with them on my morning walks this week and them seemed fine, maybe just a little too roomy. Once I got to Paget lights I knew I was in for trouble, I could feel blisters beginning and by 1/4 of the way there I had some for sure. Funny enough it felt better to run. However, I have not been training to run 13 miles, so a continuous run was out of the question. I walked-ran for most of it and by the lighthouse I could feel my knee start to hurt. This was also just after the funniest part of the walk when a group of vagrant men (who loot the railway trail during the walk to 'observe the walkers') called out how 'fine i was looking'.... la la la... then said to my dad who was a few paces behind me at that point 'I can see why your walking... i'd be walking too if I was behind her!'. My humoured dad gave them the thumbs up and said 'she looks good don't she?!' at which point I called back; "I'm his DAUGHTER, come on!". Soon after that my dad got into a strong pace and took off, I just could not keep up with my feet on fire like that. I was so frustrated because physically I felt like I could run most of it but my feet just weren't able. I guess this is how proper runners feel about a bad race they have, it was really heartbreaking in the moment. Close to the end Mark had brought the kids along the route to cheer me on, Jacob was asleep but my ever enthusiastic Marley cheered me on and told me that they had lost yet another of Jacobs paccis on the way there! Mark said he was really chuffed with himself as so many people commented on what a great dad he was for bringing his kids out and having a picnic with them. I agree but the funny thing is, why wouldn't he? It is sad that so many men wouldn't do that and he gets such props for doing what should be a no brainier! I finally made it to Dockyard, just a little under my usual time with my dad of 4 hours. Michael Jackson brought me in running to 'beat it' and my loving kids and Mark were there at the finish to greet me! I was in a pretty bad way with my feet after the race and needed lots of recoup time. I had a nap with Jacob and then decided that handling both kids for the night was going to be a bit much for me to handle; especially as Mark was going to be out at the bachelor party.
When he headed there he took Jacob to Nanas and Marley and I had our very first, very own girls night. The plan was to go to the Dockyard movie theatre and get popcorn then come back to the boat and watch Cinderella. But when we got to the theatre, wouldn't you know that there was a PG animated PIRATE movie playing. I asked Marley if she wanted to see the movie instead and she agreed. It was such an amazing night with her. My little girl is growing up so fast, and she is the most beautiful person I know. So sincere and humble. I was grinning from ear to ear at our little adventure, almost to the point of tears and I kind of think she felt the same.
Tomorrow is her first ballet recital. Where is my baby girl going? AND what was life ever like before her?! Its a fairly calm night on the boat, i've finished the dishes, bottles, and packing way. Marley is fast asleep in her bed; she went down after a quick bath so easily. I really am living the dream; and lucky to be.
Anyway, after a fairly early hen night in town I arrived home to Jacob ready for some love and attention. His teeth are still bad, and all he really wants at this point is to be up and have a bottle. So with about 4 hours of sleep Mark, Marley and Jacob dropped me off at the ferry to town where I was meeting my dad for the start of the race. He is very competitive and does not like to start with all the 'novice walkers' as you then spend half the walk over taking them so we had agreed to meet outside HSBC to get ahead of the mob. Unforuntatly miscommunication meant I was at the wrong HSBC and we started just before the mob. Even still it seemed a lot of people had left early this year anyway ad we were overtaking people most of the way. Including at first my cousins who cheered us on and mocked my dads competitive nature. He is just over 6ft and me just over 5ft has to do double the work to keep up with him but I was feeling good at the start. However this did not last long, my dear mum who is a sucker for a gimmick bought us all 'gravity defying sneakers'. I had practised with them on my morning walks this week and them seemed fine, maybe just a little too roomy. Once I got to Paget lights I knew I was in for trouble, I could feel blisters beginning and by 1/4 of the way there I had some for sure. Funny enough it felt better to run. However, I have not been training to run 13 miles, so a continuous run was out of the question. I walked-ran for most of it and by the lighthouse I could feel my knee start to hurt. This was also just after the funniest part of the walk when a group of vagrant men (who loot the railway trail during the walk to 'observe the walkers') called out how 'fine i was looking'.... la la la... then said to my dad who was a few paces behind me at that point 'I can see why your walking... i'd be walking too if I was behind her!'. My humoured dad gave them the thumbs up and said 'she looks good don't she?!' at which point I called back; "I'm his DAUGHTER, come on!". Soon after that my dad got into a strong pace and took off, I just could not keep up with my feet on fire like that. I was so frustrated because physically I felt like I could run most of it but my feet just weren't able. I guess this is how proper runners feel about a bad race they have, it was really heartbreaking in the moment. Close to the end Mark had brought the kids along the route to cheer me on, Jacob was asleep but my ever enthusiastic Marley cheered me on and told me that they had lost yet another of Jacobs paccis on the way there! Mark said he was really chuffed with himself as so many people commented on what a great dad he was for bringing his kids out and having a picnic with them. I agree but the funny thing is, why wouldn't he? It is sad that so many men wouldn't do that and he gets such props for doing what should be a no brainier! I finally made it to Dockyard, just a little under my usual time with my dad of 4 hours. Michael Jackson brought me in running to 'beat it' and my loving kids and Mark were there at the finish to greet me! I was in a pretty bad way with my feet after the race and needed lots of recoup time. I had a nap with Jacob and then decided that handling both kids for the night was going to be a bit much for me to handle; especially as Mark was going to be out at the bachelor party.
When he headed there he took Jacob to Nanas and Marley and I had our very first, very own girls night. The plan was to go to the Dockyard movie theatre and get popcorn then come back to the boat and watch Cinderella. But when we got to the theatre, wouldn't you know that there was a PG animated PIRATE movie playing. I asked Marley if she wanted to see the movie instead and she agreed. It was such an amazing night with her. My little girl is growing up so fast, and she is the most beautiful person I know. So sincere and humble. I was grinning from ear to ear at our little adventure, almost to the point of tears and I kind of think she felt the same.
Tomorrow is her first ballet recital. Where is my baby girl going? AND what was life ever like before her?! Its a fairly calm night on the boat, i've finished the dishes, bottles, and packing way. Marley is fast asleep in her bed; she went down after a quick bath so easily. I really am living the dream; and lucky to be.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Falling behind again....
Life really does move in cycles, I feel like once again I have fallen into a rut. With my exercise, with sticking to "staying at home", and obviously with blogging. Sorry to my fans, all 5 of you! haha!
This week has been really busy with Marley getting ready for her ballet recital, everyone out sick at work at Sandys 360, and with the up coming wedding we are in next weekend. Top it all off with no money, dodge weather and two mega ships in Dockyard makes for a fairly unreasonable Jenny! Hahaha but i'm managing. Yesterday I kicked my butt in gear and did our morning walk plus a spin class while at work. Paying for it now but I am very lucky to have such a supportive partner who even when I forgot to tell him i'd be working late and nana arrived on the ferry with the kids for him to collect responds with "having to pick up the kids was the best kind of surprise!". I am one lucky lady and count my blessings everyday. Except of course when he is being hard headed and puts the new shoes that were bought for him away in the cupboard because the ones he is wearing now that have his toes sticking out through the front and the bottom "could still last a month or so". We may be dirt poor but no need to look it buddy!!!
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An exceptional picture taken of Dockyard by someone on a cruise ship. Can you spot us?! |
From Bad to Worse
Well this morning soon after I woke up late and rushed to get everyone ready to catch the ferry and just to add salt to injury it was Marleys first sports day and she needed to wear a yellow shirt and sneakers. This plus rushing caused one of the worst tantrums I have ever seen out of Marley. Mark literally hed her down while I put her sneakers and she screamed her head off. Later on in the day one of Marks co-workers asked him if Marley survived the morning as he had heard the tantrum from his boat! I also had a peanut gallery to face as we boarded the ferry with Marley still wailing. Once on the ferry I explained to Tom (who lives on our dock and is one of Marleys biggest fans and no doubt would habe loved to play with her on the ferry) that we were not in the best of shape and first needed to settle breakfast on the ride to Rockaway. I calmly explained to Marley (all the while fearing another meltdown) that she needed to get out of the pram so I could sit Jacob down to feed him. She did so without hesitation which was a relief but then began to whine again for her breakfast. I quietly pulled her to me and said in a stern voice how unexceptable it would be for her to act up on the ferry and that she needed to sit down and behave so that she could have her breakfast. I also explained to her that I was really upset and disappointed with the way she behaved on the boat this morning and that no one on the ferry wanted to hear any of that. She responded with an "I'm sorry mommy" and ate her breakfast perfectly while I fed Jacob. From the front of the ferry I heard "you should write a book", not thinking about what just happened I replied, I sort of am; I have a blog! Tom then explained; no a parenting book- you handled that so well. LOL if only he had seen me 5 mins before on the boat! The rest of the morning commute continued fine without incident and when we got to school I turned in her yellow shirt and wished her teacher good luck. Sports Day was great and a good laugh. Marley was in the spirit of it all in her yellow shirt with all her classmates. Pa and daddy even got into it by doing the wheel barrow race at the end of the day!
Mark brought the Scout (boat) into town so I left my car and we planned dinner and a boat ride in celebration of Marley's sports. We took advantage of a winter special at one of the restaurants and walked down playing as we went. Jacob took a little snooze in the pram as Mark flipped and twirled Marley down the street. It wasn't until we were almost at the resturant that we realized that both Marleys pink ribbon and Jacobs pacci had disapeared. Marley screamed and cried but luckily Jacob didn't notice the missing plug. Mark ran back along the last leg of our route to see if he could find either but instead all he brought back was someones discarded easter basket. That was no subatitute for Marleys pink ribbon but truth be told I was feeling more anxious about the pacci sisuation. Jacob isn't really fussy about the pacci as much as Marley was but if he has one there is only one kind that will do. And that was our last one of its kind! Once settled in the returant we managed to distract Marley with pictures from sports day and of her with her ribbon. "Even though we lost the ribbon we will always have this picture of you wearing it". We also found a back up pacci (although not the right kind, but a pacci at least).
Dinner was nice and we even decided on a walk down Front Street for the first Harbour Nights in town before heading to the boat. At home we docked the Scout at the end of the marina and headed to Blew Horizon by foot. Marley was super over tired and Jacob hungry to the tantrums and screaming started again as soon as the hatch was opened. When I couldn't find where the reserve pacci had gotten to I more or less lost it! I looked at Mark on the verge of tears and he calmly came up with a backup plan for the missing pacci. That was definitely a make it or break it moment and without his calmess we wouldn't have gotten both kids to bed and asleep within the hour. Thank goodness for opposites attracting!
Mark brought the Scout (boat) into town so I left my car and we planned dinner and a boat ride in celebration of Marley's sports. We took advantage of a winter special at one of the restaurants and walked down playing as we went. Jacob took a little snooze in the pram as Mark flipped and twirled Marley down the street. It wasn't until we were almost at the resturant that we realized that both Marleys pink ribbon and Jacobs pacci had disapeared. Marley screamed and cried but luckily Jacob didn't notice the missing plug. Mark ran back along the last leg of our route to see if he could find either but instead all he brought back was someones discarded easter basket. That was no subatitute for Marleys pink ribbon but truth be told I was feeling more anxious about the pacci sisuation. Jacob isn't really fussy about the pacci as much as Marley was but if he has one there is only one kind that will do. And that was our last one of its kind! Once settled in the returant we managed to distract Marley with pictures from sports day and of her with her ribbon. "Even though we lost the ribbon we will always have this picture of you wearing it". We also found a back up pacci (although not the right kind, but a pacci at least).
Dinner was nice and we even decided on a walk down Front Street for the first Harbour Nights in town before heading to the boat. At home we docked the Scout at the end of the marina and headed to Blew Horizon by foot. Marley was super over tired and Jacob hungry to the tantrums and screaming started again as soon as the hatch was opened. When I couldn't find where the reserve pacci had gotten to I more or less lost it! I looked at Mark on the verge of tears and he calmly came up with a backup plan for the missing pacci. That was definitely a make it or break it moment and without his calmess we wouldn't have gotten both kids to bed and asleep within the hour. Thank goodness for opposites attracting!
Letting Go
I don't know where the term terrible twos came from but its outdated. The threes are where the tantrums are at! After a week without her regular teacher she was all out of schedule and discipline the weekend came with me at my wits end with her. A whiney Marley does not make for a happy mommy!
This weekend was also the Ag Show which is an annual agricultural exhibition in Bermuda. There are vegetable critters, horse shows, live acts and my favorite the pigs. Its really our only carnival like event in Bermuda minus the ferris wheel. I look forward to it every year and in the past have entered different things for the exhibitions. Marley was super excited to go and on Friday we made the decision to take the 'house' into town and anchor off that way we could have an early start at the exhibition. Mark got stuck at work Fri evening so I thought our plans had fallen through and we would just drive up in the morning, however at 7:00 he came home still wanting to move. Its easy enough to go out on short notice- basically just let go of the lines and away we go.
As we sailed out on the beautiful evening Marley had meltdown number 8 of the day crying that she wanted to go home to Dockyard. It was Marks turn to have the patience and he handled it so well. He calmed her down and told her to go down below and check that her room was still the same. (Its a hard concept for Marley I'm realizing; that our house no matter where it is, is the boat and home is not necessarily Dockyard) He made her a deal; if her room had changed even a little bit we would turn the boat around and go straight to Dockyard. She clambered down the ladder still in a huff and came back up shortly after very pleased. Her room was exactly the same so she declared that we could stay in town for the night but then tomorrow we had to go back to Dockyard! Ah yes to creative parenting!
Waking up in the harbour with the sun rising behind the island free of the dock was so serene. Jacob and I sat up on deck and had breakfast- grant it a nice hot cup of tea would have sealed the deal and really if I wasn't so lazy that could have been part of the picture. However boiling water for a cup of tea VS the electric kettle was not appealing at that moment, haha my above 40 readers are cringing right now "oh the fast pace younger generation! They wait for nothing!". Marley woke cheary- looking for pancakes and then we geared up for the walk to the Botanical Gardens for the Ag Show.
The Ag show was great and we went at the perfect time- right when they opened. We missed the mass of crowds that arrived as we were leaving. Marley enjoyed playing on the grass most of all while performers did a Zumba routine on stage. We walked home (to the boat in town) and both kids crashed before we got out of the gate. Our friends Liz and Rich joined us for a gorgeous sail back to Dockyard as Marley continued to sleep down below. As Liz and I caught up, Mark sailed around playing with the wind and Rich learned a little more about the bodily functions of babies.
Once back in our berth in Dockyard we packed away and began preparing for the Dockyard Old School party; celebrating the beginning of the cruise ship season.
This weekend was also the Ag Show which is an annual agricultural exhibition in Bermuda. There are vegetable critters, horse shows, live acts and my favorite the pigs. Its really our only carnival like event in Bermuda minus the ferris wheel. I look forward to it every year and in the past have entered different things for the exhibitions. Marley was super excited to go and on Friday we made the decision to take the 'house' into town and anchor off that way we could have an early start at the exhibition. Mark got stuck at work Fri evening so I thought our plans had fallen through and we would just drive up in the morning, however at 7:00 he came home still wanting to move. Its easy enough to go out on short notice- basically just let go of the lines and away we go.
As we sailed out on the beautiful evening Marley had meltdown number 8 of the day crying that she wanted to go home to Dockyard. It was Marks turn to have the patience and he handled it so well. He calmed her down and told her to go down below and check that her room was still the same. (Its a hard concept for Marley I'm realizing; that our house no matter where it is, is the boat and home is not necessarily Dockyard) He made her a deal; if her room had changed even a little bit we would turn the boat around and go straight to Dockyard. She clambered down the ladder still in a huff and came back up shortly after very pleased. Her room was exactly the same so she declared that we could stay in town for the night but then tomorrow we had to go back to Dockyard! Ah yes to creative parenting!
Waking up in the harbour with the sun rising behind the island free of the dock was so serene. Jacob and I sat up on deck and had breakfast- grant it a nice hot cup of tea would have sealed the deal and really if I wasn't so lazy that could have been part of the picture. However boiling water for a cup of tea VS the electric kettle was not appealing at that moment, haha my above 40 readers are cringing right now "oh the fast pace younger generation! They wait for nothing!". Marley woke cheary- looking for pancakes and then we geared up for the walk to the Botanical Gardens for the Ag Show.
The Ag show was great and we went at the perfect time- right when they opened. We missed the mass of crowds that arrived as we were leaving. Marley enjoyed playing on the grass most of all while performers did a Zumba routine on stage. We walked home (to the boat in town) and both kids crashed before we got out of the gate. Our friends Liz and Rich joined us for a gorgeous sail back to Dockyard as Marley continued to sleep down below. As Liz and I caught up, Mark sailed around playing with the wind and Rich learned a little more about the bodily functions of babies.
Once back in our berth in Dockyard we packed away and began preparing for the Dockyard Old School party; celebrating the beginning of the cruise ship season.
Sunrise with Jacob |
Great weekend with great friends |
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Living the live
Yup, I knew it no sleep! With lots of chomping, fingers in the mouth, excessive drooling, and a slight cough baby boy is working on some more teeth and therefore no sleep! I know I shouldn't compare them like this but Marley never had any teething symptoms... It was just "oh, look Marley has a new tooth, when did that come in?".
However, sleepless nights or not this week I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be at home as long as I have. While walking Marley to school today, it occurred to me that I know almost everything about her (I'm sure there are things that happen at school that I miss) but because we have that morning walk and afternoon car ride and all the other time, she keeps me in the loop 100% (for now anyway...) I got to drive her and a few of her friends to the lighthouse for their class trip on Wed. and learned where the baby voice is coming from. I originally thought that with her new baby brother that was a symptom of 'big sister rebellion' however the other girl who was in our car laid it on thick! I mean COME ON... I don't think I am good at handling Marley on a good day but her baby voice caused me to want to throw her out of the car! I have always said that nursery school age was not the age for me.... they are just so icky! Always snooty nosed, wining... I just don't get the appeal some people have. Honestly, I was secretly afraid of what I would be like with my toddler as I really have no patience for that age. Thank heavens she is a very good toddler, i'm sure i'm biased but I really don't think I would handle a snotty nosed winy kid, she just wouldn't last! HA Ha!
I also know things like Jacob's symptoms for teething or when Marley hasn't had a nap at school. I really really cherish this year and am so thankful for it. How will I ever go back?!
However, sleepless nights or not this week I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be at home as long as I have. While walking Marley to school today, it occurred to me that I know almost everything about her (I'm sure there are things that happen at school that I miss) but because we have that morning walk and afternoon car ride and all the other time, she keeps me in the loop 100% (for now anyway...) I got to drive her and a few of her friends to the lighthouse for their class trip on Wed. and learned where the baby voice is coming from. I originally thought that with her new baby brother that was a symptom of 'big sister rebellion' however the other girl who was in our car laid it on thick! I mean COME ON... I don't think I am good at handling Marley on a good day but her baby voice caused me to want to throw her out of the car! I have always said that nursery school age was not the age for me.... they are just so icky! Always snooty nosed, wining... I just don't get the appeal some people have. Honestly, I was secretly afraid of what I would be like with my toddler as I really have no patience for that age. Thank heavens she is a very good toddler, i'm sure i'm biased but I really don't think I would handle a snotty nosed winy kid, she just wouldn't last! HA Ha!
Marley at the lighthouse |
Jacob and I sharing a play moment :) |
Sailing Away
We are getting into the swing of things finally. Jacob has spent just over a week sleeping through the night although I fear that is coming to an end as he seems to be on the verge of cutting some more teeth.
We also finally took Blew Horizon out for a sail on sunday. We know its easy enough to take it out just for a little burn but for some reason we haven't wanted to do it unless we were going out for the weekend, also the weather really hasn't been conducive. But last weekend we bit the bullet and just did it. We left around 9am when the wind was still fairly breezy and came back around 2pm after having a bit of a rough time getting in once the wind died completely out. We still don't have an engine so its always quite an impressive maneuver getting back into our dock space. In chatting with some other boat livers in the marina once we came in I learned we weren't the only ones who hadn't cut the lines since Dec. A couple that lives on another sailboat finally went out after a 4 month hiatus last weekend too :)
We showed our mooring to a couple looking to rent and then had a great lazy Sunday evening getting ready for the week ahead.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Halfway there
I started typing these last posts on my blackberry late at night after Jacobs 11pm feed when he is falling back to sleep on my chest. I'm starting to worry that in order for him to fall back to sleep after this feed he will need the sound of tapping keys to help him! I just feel right now like I'm running out of time. I'm working so hard about being better and actually spending my time as a stay at home mom at home that I'm still not finding enough time in the day to get everything done. How am I going to manage come Sept?! This is my biggest fear. I'm now halfway through my leave, feeling the preassure of money and anxiety about going back. Our schedule has gotten way better and Jacob is sleeping almost through the night almost every night. I think if come May we have him sleeping through all the time and not on my chest then we will switch rooms with Marley and give the kids their own space. We have come up with a few different variations of this so stay tuned! Who says because I live on a boat I can't redecorate every 6 months?! Mark wishes lol
We've been bad about the ferry again this month. I'm getting into a rut and need to keep exercising. With my parents the other day we figured out our biometrics... i never even knew about this but now feel more inspired to fight the downward slope that plagues me after the high. Walk/ running really does help to I need to keep that up. :)
We've been bad about the ferry again this month. I'm getting into a rut and need to keep exercising. With my parents the other day we figured out our biometrics... i never even knew about this but now feel more inspired to fight the downward slope that plagues me after the high. Walk/ running really does help to I need to keep that up. :)
A Whale of a Tale!
Can you spot the whale? |
Terrible Tylenol Terrors
A lot has happened since my last entry but I'm going to post these "events and stories" as separate posts as there is a lot to go through. I had been feeling like my 'leave' from work had lost its focus. Seemed I was running around taking care of everyone else more than I was taking care of Jacob. Also his sleeping issue has not been resolved. So Monday I started a strict schedule for all who watch him to follow. Through the week we had two full nights of sleep out of him but come Tuesday the plague attacked our home! Well that's what it felt like anyway; luckily we had a fairly quick recovery and all are well now. After a day of just Jakey and me; touring Dockyard, doing laundry and a warm lunch out on the grass we went to pick up big sister thinking we would head to the park after. When she got in the car her cheeks were bright red, she was fevery and miserable. Straight home, straight to bed. The rest of the week was spent tag teaming between the two of the kids who fevered back and forth. It was miserable. I also in that time somehow managed to paint the living room at Nana and Pas house as Pas birthday present by Friday. Friday was probably the worst night of all. After a day finishing the painting, I headed home but left the Tylenol at Nanas (Marley stayed home 3 days last week!). Now something you should know about our little family is that we are not 'medicine people'. I hate taking pills or syrup and Mark believes he is stronger than any virus that comes his way and will fight it to near death before giving in to the child proof pill bottles. Don't even ask about his last visit to the Doctor! So we have never really used any medicine on our children unless it was prescribed; thus the ONLY bottle of fever reducing magic was at the other end of the island. I thought I was in the clear as both kids seemed to be doing better after a restful day but by bedtime Jacob had me scared. He was hot again, fever, and screaming; unable to get any kind of comfort o r rest. Eventually I gave in at almost 9pm and raced to every grocery store in Somerset looking for a magic potion. Everywhere was either closed or out of it. Luckily all the running around caused Jacob to fall asleep and I returned home with a peaceful sleeping baby. We all settled into bed and then at about 10:30 Marley started with screaming, fever, sweats, the chills; she was a right mess. I tried everything I could to calm her, damp cloth the nine but nothing helped. (I would say put them in the bath to anyone else but because all we have is a shower I didn't think it would be fair to hose her down with icy water when she was already feeling so miserable) Eventually at 1:30am I decided we had reached the breaking point and off we would go to get the meds from Nanas house. I packed miserable Marley into the car and headed out of the West but as Murphy would have it I didn't even make it out of Somerset. Right as I came past Salt Rock Grill there was an accident in the road. Freshly struck, one car lost its tire as it was pushed against the wall and the other was horizontal across the road also missing a wheel. People piled out of the car in the road and there was a lot of commotion at the scene as people ending their night of drinking occupied the Village Cafe right at the site. The West end is known to be home to the members of the M.O.B. Gang in
Bermuda and all I could do was hope that this had nothing to do with any of that and they would clear out fast so I could get by. As I drove through I heard a lot of "What just happened?!", "OMG is... OK". Having just completed my CPR and First Aid re certification my instinct was to call 911 but suddenly there was a bike behind me following too close. A little delusional and spooked from the accident I panicked and feared that it was someone from the scene tailing me, making sure I didn't call the police. The person turned around but in my wild imagination I thought they would still be able to trace my call to the police and come after me. (With what my license plate number?! I really was crazy by that point) So I attempted to call a police friend but there was so answer so I called my ex-police officer father who in all his calmness at 2:00am simply said. "Jennifer, call 911". Ah the voice of reason. I did, reported the accident and continued on my mission. We got to Nanas and made a quick turn around as Marley had fallen asleep. By Warwick she was fussing again so I pulled over and gave her a dose of medicine. She was out again in no time and luckily therefore unfazed when we got stuck on the other side of the accident as the tow truck had arrived! Needless to say I did not make my 7mile charity walk I was looking forward too the next morning. All in all it must be kept in mind (especially for my International readers.... Are there any of you out there?! Feel free to comment!) that driving 40 min from Dockyard to Smiths is nothing and would probably be considered a normal commute almost anywhere else in the world! They are all better now and the cabinet above the sink made a home for a few more necessary medicine items.
Bermuda and all I could do was hope that this had nothing to do with any of that and they would clear out fast so I could get by. As I drove through I heard a lot of "What just happened?!", "OMG is... OK". Having just completed my CPR and First Aid re certification my instinct was to call 911 but suddenly there was a bike behind me following too close. A little delusional and spooked from the accident I panicked and feared that it was someone from the scene tailing me, making sure I didn't call the police. The person turned around but in my wild imagination I thought they would still be able to trace my call to the police and come after me. (With what my license plate number?! I really was crazy by that point) So I attempted to call a police friend but there was so answer so I called my ex-police officer father who in all his calmness at 2:00am simply said. "Jennifer, call 911". Ah the voice of reason. I did, reported the accident and continued on my mission. We got to Nanas and made a quick turn around as Marley had fallen asleep. By Warwick she was fussing again so I pulled over and gave her a dose of medicine. She was out again in no time and luckily therefore unfazed when we got stuck on the other side of the accident as the tow truck had arrived! Needless to say I did not make my 7mile charity walk I was looking forward too the next morning. All in all it must be kept in mind (especially for my International readers.... Are there any of you out there?! Feel free to comment!) that driving 40 min from Dockyard to Smiths is nothing and would probably be considered a normal commute almost anywhere else in the world! They are all better now and the cabinet above the sink made a home for a few more necessary medicine items.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Long time no post!
Its been over a month since I last posted.... i think of posting often and the following posts have all come from my early morning awakenings with Jacob. Poor child still is not sleeping through the night! Since I last posted Dockyard has come completely back to life... it started with a slow trickle of boatsmen preparing their charter vessels for the season and finally our first cruise ship has arrived blocking one of the only two channels we receive of local TV! Welcome back LOL! We have also had Easter and celebrated Mark's big 30!!! I will try to get better about posting more frequently... to be honest it would help if I knew I actually had followers. (feel free to join the blog folks!) Although one day in my blogging hiatus a friend ran into me and asked me about the blog, saying he'd heard it was quite humorous to follow... that was motivation enough to start up again! Thank you!
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Love at first sandwich and loquats in between
Well what a week! The community center (sandys 360) where I work part time had their major fundraiser on Friday (a 12 hr swimathon). I was exhausted after a week of Mark working late after returning from his trip and was hoping for a quiet weekend. My plans of date night and sleeping in late came to a screeching end with Saturday errands and then the time change. How did that sneak up on me?!
Today was a great day though despite having to get up early so Mark could do a job east at 9 (really 8 by my clock!) We took the kids to Spittle Pond after and had a great lunch snack on Portuguese Rock. I then drove Marley to one of my ace girls houses who is getting married in 7 short weeks. Marley is her flower girl and we got to try on the dress today. Adorable... there is nothing Marley loves more than being a princess. Even though I was sure she was going to pass out on the way home as she seems to be coming down with something and was extremely tired, she got her second wind and we ended up meeting Mark and baby Jacob at Hog Bay (another nature reserve/ park) and took a great walk around "looking for loquats". We didn't find many loquats but had lots of laughs with the low tide and Marley running into the water while Jacob fed his face with sand. We also let daddy climb the loquat tree and pick off a branch of loquats for us. After we all tried one Jacob wouldn't let go of the branch, boy he has a grip! So I took it from him but somehow as he turned his head in what we all took as defeat he actually took a loquat off the branch and was mashing into it behind daddys shoulder. Mark quickly caught him and we all had a big laugh at his sneaky trick.
Once we got home we had plenty of time to unwind from the day and get ready for the week ahead. Field trips, meetings, training and painting are all in store next week. I love getting home early on Sundays, the time we have together is golden.
While I was cooking supper (chili) Mark took the kids up on deck to enjoy the sunshine. Bob Marley playing through the hatch, a nice cold drink in hand I looked through the window in the hull to see my girl in her ballerina outfit (two leotards, tights, a skirt and head band) dancing on deck eating a sandwich I had just made her while a little boy not much older than her shuffled his feet while propping up his bike on the dock eating his own sandwich. The two of them seemed to communicate through dance as they stared each-other down. He disappeared and down she came below, time for bath. I looked at Mark and smiled and said "Is this the beginning? was that love at first sandwich?" Love them... what a great day.
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Jacob's March swim |
Once we got home we had plenty of time to unwind from the day and get ready for the week ahead. Field trips, meetings, training and painting are all in store next week. I love getting home early on Sundays, the time we have together is golden.
While I was cooking supper (chili) Mark took the kids up on deck to enjoy the sunshine. Bob Marley playing through the hatch, a nice cold drink in hand I looked through the window in the hull to see my girl in her ballerina outfit (two leotards, tights, a skirt and head band) dancing on deck eating a sandwich I had just made her while a little boy not much older than her shuffled his feet while propping up his bike on the dock eating his own sandwich. The two of them seemed to communicate through dance as they stared each-other down. He disappeared and down she came below, time for bath. I looked at Mark and smiled and said "Is this the beginning? was that love at first sandwich?" Love them... what a great day.
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No better way to end the day <3 |
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Time Away
Time has gotten away from me. But now i'm back on track. I was feeling very unmotivated. After my week on the Spirit it was hard to get back into the regular routine (if you can call it that!) I spent the next week in a bit of a slump and the subsequent week after that pulling myself out of the slump.
In that time I have lost 5lbs! Woohoo :), send Mark on a vacation to remember, and (oh no don't read the next bit) smashed my car again. Oh yes I did!!
I quickly motivated myself back into my fitness regime of the ferry ride and morning walk/ run after a quick check on jeans that were begining to feel loose and bridesmaids dresses looming ever so near. I started back and added a combination of strength training to my mix and got some extra motivation from another 'mommie friend' who is getting married in May and from my mom who has found a new interest in walking. I was so proud of her this passed weekend; she did the 4 mile Lindos to Lindos walk with me and did awesome!!! GO MOM! :) I also did a 5K with Mark and the kids and will be zomming Around the Sound a week from Saturday (about 7miles).
Mark's 30th Birthday is April 9th. This is a tough time of year to have a birthday first in his buisness and secondly because its always around Easter which tends to be a lot of family time. His partner Kareem was going on a ski trip and we all decided that Mark needed a break too so we sent him along. It was kind of a surprise in that even though we told Mark for about a month that he was going on vacation. Because of our financial contraints and because he expressed his constant disaproval of going on a trip he didn't think we would actually do it. The night before we broke the news to him. Thankfully he didn't create a scene while checking in at the airport about who packed his bags etc. and on Thursday he was off to Montreal via Philly to go skiing for 4 days. As Murpheys Law would have it their connecting flight to Monreal was canceled which caused them to loose their bags before even getting to the resort much less the country! They got in and were promised their bags which never showed. Mark stuck firmly to his minimalist lifestyle and refused to buy any extra gear apart from socks, underwear and a hat. He skied all 4 days with regular pants, a t-shirt, croc shoes with a hole in the bottom and a jacket that I made him take with him on the plane! STUBBORN!!! He had a good time though, and I think secretly he is happy we sent him.
Finally my poor car, a telephone pole jumped out into the road one day when I drove Marley to school. Luckily the damage is minimal (only a cracked side mirror) and I will not be fixing it until my time off is over, and that goes for any other car mishaps. I am still convincing myself that statistically this is bound to happen as I am driving more than average being off and living in Dockyard when everything I do is in the East end of the island.
We are back on track.... will report about manning the boat on my own for 5 days with the kids next post :) Welcome back!
In that time I have lost 5lbs! Woohoo :), send Mark on a vacation to remember, and (oh no don't read the next bit) smashed my car again. Oh yes I did!!
I quickly motivated myself back into my fitness regime of the ferry ride and morning walk/ run after a quick check on jeans that were begining to feel loose and bridesmaids dresses looming ever so near. I started back and added a combination of strength training to my mix and got some extra motivation from another 'mommie friend' who is getting married in May and from my mom who has found a new interest in walking. I was so proud of her this passed weekend; she did the 4 mile Lindos to Lindos walk with me and did awesome!!! GO MOM! :) I also did a 5K with Mark and the kids and will be zomming Around the Sound a week from Saturday (about 7miles).
Mark's 30th Birthday is April 9th. This is a tough time of year to have a birthday first in his buisness and secondly because its always around Easter which tends to be a lot of family time. His partner Kareem was going on a ski trip and we all decided that Mark needed a break too so we sent him along. It was kind of a surprise in that even though we told Mark for about a month that he was going on vacation. Because of our financial contraints and because he expressed his constant disaproval of going on a trip he didn't think we would actually do it. The night before we broke the news to him. Thankfully he didn't create a scene while checking in at the airport about who packed his bags etc. and on Thursday he was off to Montreal via Philly to go skiing for 4 days. As Murpheys Law would have it their connecting flight to Monreal was canceled which caused them to loose their bags before even getting to the resort much less the country! They got in and were promised their bags which never showed. Mark stuck firmly to his minimalist lifestyle and refused to buy any extra gear apart from socks, underwear and a hat. He skied all 4 days with regular pants, a t-shirt, croc shoes with a hole in the bottom and a jacket that I made him take with him on the plane! STUBBORN!!! He had a good time though, and I think secretly he is happy we sent him.
Finally my poor car, a telephone pole jumped out into the road one day when I drove Marley to school. Luckily the damage is minimal (only a cracked side mirror) and I will not be fixing it until my time off is over, and that goes for any other car mishaps. I am still convincing myself that statistically this is bound to happen as I am driving more than average being off and living in Dockyard when everything I do is in the East end of the island.
We are back on track.... will report about manning the boat on my own for 5 days with the kids next post :) Welcome back!
Spirit of Bermuda
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