If your kids have kept you up all night and the dishes aren't done and the laundry is piling up then someone not putting their beer bottle in the recycling bin at the end of the day might be enough to send you to bed without saying goodnight.
If you've had to wait for a ferry that was delayed and then canceled all together, seeing an entire year group of 7 year old school kids and half a boat load of tourists waiting to get on the next ferry might not bring a smile to your face.
If your fiancée has put you through the ringer for the last 10 years when all you've wanted to do was get married and then a friend picks the same dress as you, you may see it as grounds to never talk to them again.
But everything is relative on a good day too;
I always think of this when I'm at school and someone says in their prayer in assembly; "thank you lord for waking me up this morning as I know there are some that did not get to see the light of this brand new day" I'm not religious by any means, no prayer, no God, etc. but that idea is so that is so true!
And today as I drove home while witnessing something that almost caused me to have an accident I had a revelation.
Today minus all the drama of the last two months, the heart ache of the last two years and all the mindless mello dramas I post here on this blog, I respect that everything is relative to where you are in your life at that point in time. What may seem like a mountain to me may seem like a mole hill to you; agreed. But how do you ever get to the point where shooting someone else up with Heroin in the middle of the day, out in broad daylight is acceptable?! I observed a former student of mine doing this as I waited in traffic. It put for me back into perspective what I have always felt my purpose was here on this earth in this life. I love to teach, I am passionate about it because down to my core I believe the children really are our future and if we teach them well the world will be a better place. I also know that 'you can not save them all'. For the one I lost today there may be 3 more I help save tomorrow. I can not give up on that. I am excited to go back to teaching in September, until now I have been nothing but anxious. How will I leave my baby? How will I juggle it all? Will the laundry ever get done then?! It will, I will, Jacob will be fine because I am capable enough to manage it. I must find a way because my kids future also depends on it!

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