This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Well it happened! I turned 30 this year! In fact, on Tuesday Nov. 13th :) Unlike many of my peers I have been embracing the idea with a very positive attitude... a little too positive for some. I started early planning a big trip to some enchanted resort with as many people born in the year 1982 as would like to go... but snobbishness, pettiness, and immaturity got in the way as even though some were turning 30 earlier they couldn't get past silly high school stereotypes from 15 years prior.  I decided to move past it and make my own life a little simpler.  Over all though I was pumped all year.  I feel like I have achieved a lot in 30 years and was really excited to celebrate all of that.  I also figured its gonna happen anyway, better to embrace it than fight it! I watched as the year moved on and friends did themed parties, fancy dinners, spa days, and the like. It was fun, but i knew I wanted something uniquely me.
Tomorrow night I am hosting an Old Skool Reggae Cruise on a charter booze cruise boat. I am SO pumped. 80 or so of the best people I know have agreed to rock the night away with me and celebrate the big 30!!
I also came up with a list; many of my friends did a sort of "bucket list" of before they turned 30, 30 things to do 30 days before you turn 30 etc. Mine is again a different kind of list. I have this sensation this is going to be one of the best years of my life, so I came up with a list of things to do the year i'm 30. Here it is;

1. Live off the dock for more than a week
2. Get my Bermuda Engine Drivers Licence
3. Run a few running races
4. Reach my ideal weight/ size
5. Snorkel at North Rock
6. Take that trip to Venezuela
7. Eat a new food i've never tried
8. Go on Spirit at least twice with my school kids
9. Run every night I can with my family, maybe even every other morning
10. Get married
11. Continue with my tattoo

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