This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Sleep Walking and Talking

So Marleys teacher stopped me the other day after I dropped her off to ask me if she ever sleep walked. She never has on the boat thank god! Can you imagine?! How would she even get out of her bed?!! But aparently she got up out of her bed at school and started walking around, the teachers just gently guided her back to her bed but now I'm seriously concerned- this isn't something I have ever considered, but for now its just a one off thing. My girl does however talk in her sleep. Its so cute you can just hear her in there jabbering away. I love her age right now as she can talk about her dreams.
I am passionate that dreams are our deeper connection to the outside world that so many of us have sheltered ourselves away from, that deeper place, maybe spirits or ghosts, or just something more than what meets the eye. So the other night she dreamed that dinosaurs came into her room and were roaring so loud they woke her up and that's why she ended up in our bed in the middle of the night. (She told me this account the next morning). Last night she also had a dream about crocodiles; that they came into 'mummy and daddys room' and ate our eye balls but not Jacobs, he still had his. She wasn't though at all freaked out about the whole eye ball attack, she was very matter of fact- like yah that's what happened. I end with thinking; at what point do we taint our children to fear such a dream, where does that come from?

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