A lot has happened since my last entry but I'm going to post these "events and stories" as separate posts as there is a lot to go through. I had been feeling like my 'leave' from work had lost its focus. Seemed I was running around taking care of everyone else more than I was taking care of Jacob. Also his sleeping issue has not been resolved. So Monday I started a strict schedule for all who watch him to follow. Through the week we had two full nights of sleep out of him but come Tuesday the plague attacked our home! Well that's what it felt like anyway; luckily we had a fairly quick recovery and all are well now. After a day of just Jakey and me; touring Dockyard, doing laundry and a warm lunch out on the grass we went to pick up big sister thinking we would head to the park after. When she got in the car her cheeks were bright red, she was fevery and miserable. Straight home, straight to bed. The rest of the week was spent tag teaming between the two of the kids who fevered back and forth. It was miserable. I also in that time somehow managed to paint the living room at Nana and Pas house as Pas birthday present by Friday. Friday was probably the worst night of all. After a day finishing the painting, I headed home but left the Tylenol at Nanas (Marley stayed home 3 days last week!). Now something you should know about our little family is that we are not 'medicine people'. I hate taking pills or syrup and Mark believes he is stronger than any virus that comes his way and will fight it to near death before giving in to the child proof pill bottles. Don't even ask about his last visit to the Doctor! So we have never really used any medicine on our children unless it was prescribed; thus the ONLY bottle of fever reducing magic was at the other end of the island. I thought I was in the clear as both kids seemed to be doing better after a restful day but by bedtime Jacob had me scared. He was hot again, fever, and screaming; unable to get any kind of comfort o r rest. Eventually I gave in at almost 9pm and raced to every grocery store in Somerset looking for a magic potion. Everywhere was either closed or out of it. Luckily all the running around caused Jacob to fall asleep and I returned home with a peaceful sleeping baby. We all settled into bed and then at about 10:30 Marley started with screaming, fever, sweats, the chills; she was a right mess. I tried everything I could to calm her, damp cloth the nine but nothing helped. (I would say put them in the bath to anyone else but because all we have is a shower I didn't think it would be fair to hose her down with icy water when she was already feeling so miserable) Eventually at 1:30am I decided we had reached the breaking point and off we would go to get the meds from Nanas house. I packed miserable Marley into the car and headed out of the West but as Murphy would have it I didn't even make it out of Somerset. Right as I came past Salt Rock Grill there was an accident in the road. Freshly struck, one car lost its tire as it was pushed against the wall and the other was horizontal across the road also missing a wheel. People piled out of the car in the road and there was a lot of commotion at the scene as people ending their night of drinking occupied the Village Cafe right at the site. The West end is known to be home to the members of the M.O.B. Gang in
Bermuda and all I could do was hope that this had nothing to do with any of that and they would clear out fast so I could get by. As I drove through I heard a lot of "What just happened?!", "OMG is... OK". Having just completed my CPR and First Aid re certification my instinct was to call 911 but suddenly there was a bike behind me following too close. A little delusional and spooked from the accident I panicked and feared that it was someone from the scene tailing me, making sure I didn't call the police. The person turned around but in my wild imagination I thought they would still be able to trace my call to the police and come after me. (With what my license plate number?! I really was crazy by that point) So I attempted to call a police friend but there was so answer so I called my ex-police officer father who in all his calmness at 2:00am simply said. "Jennifer, call 911". Ah the voice of reason. I did, reported the accident and continued on my mission. We got to Nanas and made a quick turn around as Marley had fallen asleep. By Warwick she was fussing again so I pulled over and gave her a dose of medicine. She was out again in no time and luckily therefore unfazed when we got stuck on the other side of the accident as the tow truck had arrived! Needless to say I did not make my 7mile charity walk I was looking forward too the next morning. All in all it must be kept in mind (especially for my International readers.... Are there any of you out there?! Feel free to comment!) that driving 40 min from Dockyard to Smiths is nothing and would probably be considered a normal commute almost anywhere else in the world! They are all better now and the cabinet above the sink made a home for a few more necessary medicine items.
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