Well what a week! The community center (sandys 360) where I work part time had their major fundraiser on Friday (a 12 hr swimathon). I was exhausted after a week of Mark working late after returning from his trip and was hoping for a quiet weekend. My plans of date night and sleeping in late came to a screeching end with Saturday errands and then the time change. How did that sneak up on me?!
Jacob's March swim |
Today was a great day though despite having to get up early so Mark could do a job east at 9 (really 8 by my clock!) We took the kids to Spittle Pond after and had a great lunch snack on Portuguese Rock. I then drove Marley to one of my ace girls houses who is getting married in 7 short weeks. Marley is her flower girl and we got to try on the dress today. Adorable... there is nothing Marley loves more than being a princess. Even though I was sure she was going to pass out on the way home as she seems to be coming down with something and was extremely tired, she got her second wind and we ended up meeting Mark and baby Jacob at Hog Bay (another nature reserve/ park) and took a great walk around "looking for loquats". We didn't find many loquats but had lots of laughs with the low tide and Marley running into the water while Jacob fed his face with sand. We also let daddy climb the loquat tree and pick off a branch of loquats for us. After we all tried one Jacob wouldn't let go of the branch, boy he has a grip! So I took it from him but somehow as he turned his head in what we all took as defeat he actually took a loquat off the branch and was mashing into it behind daddys shoulder. Mark quickly caught him and we all had a big laugh at his sneaky trick.
Once we got home we had plenty of time to unwind from the day and get ready for the week ahead. Field trips, meetings, training and painting are all in store next week. I love getting home early on Sundays, the time we have together is golden.
While I was cooking supper (chili) Mark took the kids up on deck to enjoy the sunshine. Bob Marley playing through the hatch, a nice cold drink in hand I looked through the window in the hull to see my girl in her ballerina outfit (two leotards, tights, a skirt and head band) dancing on deck eating a sandwich I had just made her while a little boy not much older than her shuffled his feet while propping up his bike on the dock eating his own sandwich. The two of them seemed to communicate through dance as they stared each-other down. He disappeared and down she came below, time for bath. I looked at Mark and smiled and said "Is this the beginning? was that love at first sandwich?" Love them... what a great day.
No better way to end the day <3 |
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