This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Monday, 14 November 2011

Manic Thursday

So really this should have been posted before my last post but I was so inspired by the weekend I didn't want to add one of my rants last night but I do have to write about Thursday.
I had planned meetings for Thursday with Sandys 360 as that is where I am hopefully going to be doing some part time work while I am off with Jacob to bring in a little extra cash.  I was all organized Wed. night and planned to get one or two things done in town on my way back t the ferry from walking Marley to school in the morning- like my insurance for my car.  It wasn't until Thurs. morning that I was reminded that Friday was the holiday! Woops, you really do loose your mind once you've had children!
I had to rearrange all my plans, cancel my meetings as the new number one task was getting my car licensed and insured before the weekend.  So already in a panic on my way to the ferry, I forgot my phone on the boat, no time to go back because we are already late and its still blustery.  I get going on the walk and as we approached the Reid St. Burnaby Hill intersection Jacob's pacifier blows right out from the baby bijorn!  I mean really what are the chances?! Just right up in the air and into the street.  I stood on the crosswalk in shock watching the pacci get run over by an endless stream of jeeps and cars.  I really couldn't believe it!
I continued on in awe and managed to get Marley to school without much fuss from Jacob.  Luckily he's more of a thumb sucker.  However as we left the ferry (before the pacci incident) I was informed by what I thought was a reliable source (a deck hand on the ferry!) that there were no more ferries to Dockyard today because of the weather.  Just how was I supposed to get back to get my car to do the one and only item on my list foe the day?!! Oh boy!
I called my savior nana and she had agreed to come pick me up and then messaged Mark and let him know my predicament.  Mark messaged Kareem who was in town and instead kindly offered to be my chauffeur. With time to kill before his hair cut finished I caught up with another mommy who lives near Marley's school and vented about the morning shenanigans.
The rest of the day ran fairly smoothly, car passed and insured.  Although I had a good laugh with the tester.  When he was checking the undercarriage of my car he needed to drive it onto the ramp.  When he got into my little sporty number he looked around at the two car seats in the back and pram in the front seat and commented "Lady, you need a bigger car".  I replied with the standard "You gonna buy me one? I can't afford one"  He then asked "where does the passenger sit?" I played dumb and said "passenger?" he said, "yeah you know passenger?!" I told him "Mate, I have kids to drive around, I don't have time or room for passengers!" LOL At least I put a smile on his face for the day.

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