Well enough..........what is going on?!
Friday I drove the car in to take Marley to school because I had finally planned a day to use my A.S.Coopers gift certificate that I got last Christmas! I haven't bought new clothes for myself since I was pregnant with Marley and don't even ask me how long i've been wearing maternity underwear! If they weren't so damn comfy I think mothers would be more motivated to pick up their look a little after having babies. I also had planned to get a few things at the Black Friday sales they have started now in Bermuda. Nana had a greed to take Jacob for the morning so I could have this time.
But no doubt my girl got car sick on the way in! Now really come on... motion sickness when you live on a boat... really?! So we get to Nana's for a quick bath before I send her to school (nothings gonna ruin my 'me' morning) and Nana tricks her into playing hookie from school with temptations of painted nails and Ribeana! I didn't want to leave both kids with her, as they are a lot to handle but she insisted. Off I went and although they were still in the back of my mind the whole 2 hours I was in town I still made out relatively good and got a smoking hot dress for my girl's engagement party this weekend. First time I felt like a hottie without being a MILF! LOL (the party was a success and I learnt that I could do with dressing myself up a little more often; I may have two kids but i'm not 50!)
my laundry helper |
The weather is still not cooperating and so we spent the weekend alongside the dock yet again. With Jacob's 4 month Dr. apt. and Marley's gymnastics, the 3 loads of laundry that had piled up, plus Mark doing a charter for the Spirit of Bermuda we wouldn't have had time to get away anyway. We had a great day on Sunday with a walk and a swim at Cooper's Island. (in case you were wondering Marley did not get carsick from one end of the island to the other; Dockyard to Cooper's Island- apparently its just morning car sickness!) Jacob also had his first food (rice cereal), Marley also said one of the funniest things ever. Mark woke up with a bit of a 'do' going on as he hasn't cut his hair in over a year and does little to manage his locks at all. He must have had his first realisation to how offencive this can sometimes be when he caught himself in the mirror. He asked Marley; "Daddy's hair is a bit scary huh?" Her innocent reply was "It's just a part of you Daddy, its ok." This just about killed me with laughter because no matter how many times we have all told him about his hair he has refused to realise... Marley said it all with such simple words! Love this girl!
Monday came all too fast and I awoke to my phone still missing. I lost it at some point Sunday night getting back to the boat or on the way to Frog and Onion for dinner. I tossed and turned worrying about its fate all night and stressing over the importance that I have allowed this little device to have over my life. Mark left before work to see if he could find it in our tracks as I prepared for another car ride in as I needed to get my car fixed today. He came back with the phone! He also came with a neighbour who needed a ride into work which was on our way. We all filled into the car and I went to turn the key and sure enough... click, click, click. The battery was dead! Mark and I knew I would need a new one soon, but of all times to go! The poor neighbour was not having much of a good start either and was now late to work. Luckily I saw someone else who could give her a ride while Mark went to get a jumper pack from work.
Jacob and I at Coopers island |
All is sorted now, I took Marley into school and left the car running throughout the drop off then took the car into the shop and picked up another battery on my way. I think our bad luck has run out for now. The phone is on charge and Jacob is peacefully asleep (although thumb sucking as I forgot the pacci on the boat!) I should really get to work on my various projects for the holidays but think i'll take just an hour or two more of 'me' time and sneak in a nap too!
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