This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Birthday Weekend

The weather finally eased up for the long weekend.  Unfortunately we didn't get to go out for the sail we had been hoping for.  Fingers crossed next weekend!
We started off on Fri. with family and friend visits on land.  I have been an Eastender most of my life so moving all the way to Dockyard (on a 21sq mile island) means that we don't see family and friends as much during the week as we usually did. However their are the few loyal friends who will make the drive occasionally to visit us!
Saturday was the best day of the whole weekend.  The wind dropped right out, although it picked up later in the day (hence why we didn't take Blew Horizon out) so after gymnastics we took the Scout to town to run some errands.  Namely birthday gifts for Nana and myself (we share the same birthday- Nov. 13th).  As we headed out Marley recalled 'white caps' and named the types of boats we saw; sail boats or motor boats.  She was really switched on and having a great time on our outing.  Her enthusiasm for everything we do always surprises me.  Once in town we wandered around and got our last min gifts; her and daddy helped me pick out a new pair on sunglasses, it was great.  On the ride back since she hadn't had a nap all day we thought she might go down for one in the cabin while we cruised but both kids wanted to see the sights.  All in all an excellent family boating day yet still accomplishing weekend errands.
An art walk about night in St. Georges inspired me to get back into creating my own artwork again, maybe a new years resolution for 29! Ha!
A swim and brunch with great friends old and new was a brilliant end to my birthday weekend this morning.  How much love I have in my life, I only hope I can pass it on.
Back to the grind already as Mon. is around the bend before we know it. More on the week soon to come, with all this weather last week was quite an adventure :)

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