This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Weekend wimps

Well we really let ourselves down this weekend.  The weather was perfect for going out and we had all intentions of going.  It was Marley's third birthday party on Saturday and we had planned to just let go of the lines stright after that and head into the harbour to anchor off and then spend Sunday playing around sailing before heading back.  It was predicted to pick up a bit on Sunday which made us second guess ourselves Saturday afternoon after the party.  We ended up having a quiet night watching Peter Pan and settling into bed early. 
The next morning the weather was perfect but by the time we got up and got going it was really too late to actually sail out.  We opted for a nature walk along southshore instead which just made it glaringly obvious that it was another perfect weather day we were not out on Blew Horizon!  Poor Marley was not feeling herself, maybe too much hype from the party or too many M&Ms.  We stopped by a friends house on the way home and then decided on a spontanious trip on the Scout to make us feel better about the wasted day.  Poor Marley crashed in the cabin below as we nipped in and out of some of the reefs. Mark even went for a swim and we felt Adam's presence very close when his underpants got blown over in an attempt to try to keep them dry. He is always playing little tricks on us; letting us know he's still around.  Marley woke as we headed back in for a quite Sunday. 
However Sunday night was less than quiet after I backed my car into a pillar and then Jacob decided it was party time again all night.  It also created a manic Monday in which I forgot Marley's 'pink' toy for school as well as her ballet kit for her first ballet lesson.  Oh Monday!  Her first ballet class was an incredible sucess however.  It was one without parents and she just walked right in after Auntie Abbie dropped her off, made some new friends by pronouncing that they "were all ballerina's" and never turned back.  I can't believe how grown up she is getting already! How do I stop them growing?!

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