I'm sorry I haven't been better about more posts lately. I feel like i'm running out of hours in the day lately. Maybe its because now that Jacob is 6 months old he really is no longer a baby. He sleeps less (not that he really slept as a baby), and most of all he is more active and requires my constant attention. This means that all the things I used to get done while he either dozed or stared blankly at an activity toy can not get done!! Either way, I would choose watching him learn to crawl over the dishes ANY DAY!
The more time goes on I am also becoming seriously concerned with my mental well-being. Some days I really think I am going stupid. I find myself constantly saying "I am not actually this dumb!". Lets look at my track record so far....since on maternity (with no income coming in) I have managed to do thousands of dollars worth of damage to my car when previously I had a perfect driving record, I am constantly making trips to the grocery store (almost every day) because even with a well written list I forget an item or two or forget the list all together, I have managed to loose two cheques that could have helped me out greatly in my non-profit situation, I locked myself out of my own e-mail account that i've had for over 15 years!, i've left my daughter at her Christmas concert practise stranded with two other friends because I got the time wrong, I posted pictures of my newborn son on facebook but made the privacy settings so that only I could seem them, I have driven past Marley's school at least twice when i have been heading to pick her up.... actually the fact that I can remember all these unfortunate instances may mean there is hope!
Today was the kicker though. After a great dinner with friends on the boat last night, we were all organised for Monday morning. We made the ferry and got on our way. At the ferry stop daddy and Marley found an abandoned umbrella in a bollard and took it as their own. Marley proceeded to use the umbrella to make our walk the longest walk to school ever by insisting it was raining and walking with her umbrella! I didn't mind too much as it is still the winter ferry schedule and it was actually quite entertaining. Since I didn't get breakfast this morning I decided to stop at my new favourite cafe "Tribe Road" on my way back to the ferry and grab one of their specialities; a yogurt fruit cup with fresh granola. Since I didn't do my morning run I decided to sit in and eat the breakfast, I then walked myself down the the Supermarket to get Jacob more formula because i'd forgotten it on my last shopping trip, and then headed down front street to catch the 10am ferry. Once on the ferry I read the paper and then once it arrived headed to the boat to get ready for a morning at work at Sandys 360. I arrived at the gate and discovered I had no keys! How did this happen?! I remembered looking at where I had stashed them in the pram and thinking... hummnn they might fall out of there, but they had been fine before so I left them. Quickly I ran back to the ferry scanning the ground as I went but I didn't catch them in time and there were no keys along the way. I called the ferry terminal and they promised to look once it got back. In the mean time I assessed my situation; no car keys (can't get to work), no dock keys (can't get on the boat), the next ferry leaves dockyard at 12:30 (giving me 2hours to figure it all out). Trying not to freak out I tried to think where I had seen them last. I thought for sure it was at Tribe Road as I left that I had had the premonition of them falling out of the pram. I did not have a number for them so I called the ferry back and the police but no one had seen them. I called the supermarket and another shop on front street but no one had seen them. I went to the mini mart and asked for a spare set of keys and called the radio station as they suggested but still nothing. I was lucky to find on the boat that although I had been cheap and refused to get a new electronic key for my car when the spare one broke I could still use it manually on the doors and at least had a car. In the mean time the dentist called and the first dental visit we had been preparing Marley for all week would have to be cancelled as her hygienist has pink eye! What?! Who still gets pink eye?! What sand box was she playing in?! So in fact Marley could go to ballet but her gear was all on the boat and Auntie Abbie had no pram to pick her up.
I loaded up the car with ballet gear and headed to Sandys 360 to put in what time I could still waiting hopefully for the call that someone had found my keys. With a deadline to meet it was already 12:00 and I was not going to finish the job. My boss was understanding as he was having a similar day; the aircon had been turned off in the pool office so everything was dripping wet from the humidity from the indoor pool. Shame, he had wanted to rearrange the office before I got in so it was all shiny and new for me!
I managed to get Marley's ballet gear to her just as my saviour called with the great news that my keys had been found. I had left them on the counter at Tribe Road. When I had walked into the other room to enjoy my single moment of peace for breakfast they thought I had left the cafe and took my keys aside for when I returned. The only thing I can think to say is always have the numbers of the places you frequent often because chances are something will end up there of yours that you need!
I spent the afternoon waiting to pick up Marley googling "Foods to make your brain work better", "Mommy brain", and "Boosting your brain power". There is a lot of research out there, plenty of blogs too... it comforts me to know I am not alone however on days like this I still feel like the dumbest person that ever lived!!
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