This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Name that Noise

After a toddler filled day of gymnastics and birthday parties we arrived back in Dockyard around 9:30pm.  Marley had fallen asleep on the car ride from dinner so it was easy enough to put her down.  Jacob on the other hand had been asleep since his last feeding around 5:30pm and was due to wake up and feed (and I was hoping play for a bit) so he could settle down for a nice marathon sleep.  Oh, new parents have no such luck! We played a movie from itunes and I attempted to wake him and give him a feed but he was not having it.  After the movie and no waking I was a little more forceful and he ate about 6oz but dozed in and out through the whole feed.  I put him to bed hoping he wouldn't wake too soon after and praying that if I went to bed right away I could get maybe 6 hours.
Tonight was a particularly blowy night.  We have had bad weather all day; heavy rain this morning and strong winds building all night.  On a boat there are very distinct noises that over time you can identify and not worry about.  We are still getting used to those noises.  Finally snuggled in bed there was a low creaking almost sounding like a 'coo'.  Mark asked me if it was Jacob stirring in his bassinet.  I had to double check it wasn't him.  Soon after there was an inconsistent tapping.... the strap to the bimini that actually serves no purpose that I had ment to tie down weeks ago.  Up I got because I knew it would keep me up all night.  The worst noises are the ones you can't identify because you always think the worst.  The hull of a boat has the amazing ability to magnify any sounds from the deck, which can make it that much more frightening.  For example; a few empty baskets left on deck blowing from forward to aft can sound more like a dead body being dragged above your head than a few pieces of plastic.
Once we named most of the noises we began to sleep and sure enough poor Marley's coughing began.  That was the beginning of the long morning that has me up writing this now.  Poor thing, she just can't seem to kick this cough although it has gotten better.  We have tried everything even an old remedy of putting vapor rub on her feet and covering them with socks before bed.  She eventually came into our bunk and cried and tossed and turned for an hour or so.  Soon after she settled Jacob decided to wake to be fed.  Now he's wide awake and looking to play. :( When he finally goes back to sleep, my intent is to go with him... not sure where i'm going to rest though.... Marley is sprawled across our entire bunk, Mark retreated her her bunk and the couches are full with Jacob and all his gear as well as the weekend's laundry.  One thing is for sure, I wont let the noises bother me now!

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