Although yesterday was the first day I got this up an running don't let my efficiency fool you. It was not one of our better days. I had spend the night before up with the new baby (Jacob) who decided that he was more interested in playing than sleeping as well as checking in on Marley who had adopted another illness from nursery school. On a boat there is no rocking chair to soothe in and the hallway is about 5 paces long. Finally, everyone was asleep and settled at 5:45am only to have to get everyone up for the ferry by 7:30am. Well needless to say we didn't make the ferry so we drove in. I thought I would kill two birds with one stone and take my laundry with me as I had to take Nanna to the airport that day anyway so while I stayed east I would use her facilities. Halfway up the ramp Marley decides she wants a snack out of her lunchbox and in true toddler form plunks herself down right in the middle of the ramp and starts digging through her lunchbox where she finds a container of cheese and crackers to begin to devour. I'm already at the gate and then have to stop, put the laundry and all the bags down, go back get her, convince her she can have them in the car and make it to the car with everyone and everything in tow.
We made the morning commute however halfway there my child who does not get sea sick gets car sick! Poor girl threw up all over herself and because she rarely does this she is in shock at her "spitting". We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic so all I could give her as comfort and to clean up was one of her daddy's dirty work shirts that he had left in my car over the weekend! She was not really bothered by the fact she was covered in puke, in fact I think I was more upset than she was. She was just worried about telling her teacher what had happened. I did not to take her to school however and drove straight to Nanna's for a bath, and a wash down for the car as well. As I pulled in I remembered that in all the chaos on the dock I had left the laundry at the gate for anyone to pick up. Normally I wouldn't have been too worried however last week our pram got stolen from the dock so I called a friend and asked her to put the laundry in safe keeping for me.
We all got Nanna to the airport on time (much to her amusement) and then I was hoping we could settle back at her house for a nap (and no apparent laundry duties) before beating rush hour back West. My children had other plans, Marley refused to eat or sleep, and Jacob took example from his sister and boycotted his nap time as well. At my wits end I drove them back to Dockyard so at least we could make headway on the laundry only to find out after putting my washing in the washing machine we would not have enough quarters for drying! It is inevitable you are going to piss off someone in a marina when you have endless amounts of laundry from two kids and limited quarters. Why can't we get the money card system?
We made it through the day and daddy came home around 8pm giving me a break to go to the store and de-stress. I love going to the grocery store now, all I do is walk up and down the isles mindlessly until I've had enough time to cool down. But all in all their weren't any real casualties and the laundry got done today.
Must run now and have some giggle time with Jacob in his favorite spot on our bed looking up through the hatch admiring the blue tint to the room that the wind scoop provides before we go and pick up Marley from nursery.
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