This blogs intent is to provide a living journal of our experience raising our children on boats. Please ENJOY, COMMENT and SHARE!!!

Monday, 30 December 2013

Pic test from ipad

feet to head head to feet! Joys of V Berth sleeping with 4!

Come Back!

Out with the old in with the new for 2014! In the last year since I have posted A LOT has happened. I often get overwhelmed with the idea of restarting the blog. Where do I begin? It would take to long to go back to where I left off and fill in from there. Do I just pick the highlights? But then most of them are not necessarily particular to "babies on boats". Do I took the easy route and just kept putting it off. But for 2014 I have a new goal.... back to blogging!!

As I sit in our saloon (still on Blew Horizon) and the middle fender annoyingly taps on the side of the hull because of the slight breeze blowing through Dockyard I tap away at my new ipad keyboard dock that Mark got me for Christmas and I realize this is just how to get started again. What am I doing right now? Explain from there.

The kids are in bed; Jacob still on his shelf bunk next to our original full walk around bed which has now been converted to a play area and bunk for Marley made out of foam mats and a crib mattress. It took 18 months before I realized that Jacob needed to sleep away from me before I could have a full nights sleep. Literally right after we moved him everyone began sleeping through the night. Recently however he has been a bit of a waker and I think this is because of his new potty skills and his ever looming D-Day of his pacifier. Mark and I continue to threaten him with the idea of getting rid of it all together but as second children go we are 'picking our battles' and probably will not be making a valiant effort to get rid of the 'suck rock' until closer to his 3rd birthday. Judge all you will but when you have a full day of work with 'everyone elses kids' then an insane pick up and drop off schedule getting home to barley make a meal...... on and on... anyway read on for a few months then judge!

Just this week I bought us a post Christmas present of a memory foam topper for our bunk which is the old V-berth where Marlena was originally. It has been cruel and unusual punishment to move from a king size bed 3 years ago in the apt. to a fairly comfortable full size bed on the boat to now mismatched foam cushions making up a V shape with a twin size head and king size base. As well as it being exceptionally uncomfortable both kids in recent months have taken turns bunking with us for various bed wetting, fevering, nightmares, and I just want to be with mommy and daddy reasons.

Speaking of which as I TEST this new ipad blogging app out Jacob has woken asking 'to go to mommy's bed' so off I jet- TEST COMPLETE hope to be back and more frequent in 2014!!!